
This is exactly how basic you are based on your favourite Colleen Hoover book

Colleen Hoover is the Sally Rooney for the girlies who actually got kissed at secondary school parties

Colleen Hoover has taken TikTok by storm and everyone is addicted to her books, especially with the recent release of It Starts With Us, a highly acclaimed prequel to her bestseller It Ends With Us. Hoover has a talent for creating loveable characters, with  her somewhat steamy romance, having you hooked from the get go. If you’re anything like me your FYP was filled with her books until one day you finally give in and have you reading entire books in a single day.

After having read her entire collection it is easy to see the patterns that appear in her books. Girl meets boy, boy hates girl eventually both girl and boy are head over heels. Her books are addictive yet somewhat basic. It does beg the question of just how basic are you based on your favourite book of hers?

It Ends With Us – You’re a basic bitch

You definitely bought your copy of It Ends With Us after seeing all your mates reading it on their holiday. You went straight out to WHSmith and got yourself a copy only to kick yourself after seeing it in Urban Outfitters two days later and not being able to buy it from there. It’s likely you’ve considered getting one of Lily Bloom’s quotes tattooed onto you as her navigating feelings between Ryle and Atlas really struck a chord with you.

If this is your favourite book out of her collection then sorry to break it to you but you are the definition of basic. For many, this book is what kickstarted their love for Colleen Hoover. You’re still in denial to all of your mates that you hadn’t heard of Hoover before this book popped up on TikTok, though.

It only took a couple of pages to get you hooked. You probably by now have most of her collection on your bookshelf. It’s clear you’re both basic and easily pleased. A little bit of romance, a love triangle and it’s enough to have you obsessed for days.

It starts with us – You’re like 95 per cent basic

Despite being described as a prequel, It Starts With Us picks up right where It Ends With Us ends. This book is giving the gift your boyfriend got you for Christmas because he saw you reading “the pink version” on your all-inclusive holiday. In short: you are incredibly basic. Think of Colleen Hoover as the Sally Rooney for the girls who actually went to parties in secondary school (you know it’s true).

If it has become one of your favourites since its release I’m not sure what to tell you. You love a happy ending and all the loose ends tied in a nice pretty bow but how serious are you about your books?

Verity – You’re 70 per cent basic

Verity is the sensational thriller, which follows Lowen as she ghostwrites for a popular injured author, Verity. Whilst sorting through her notes she discovers a disturbing manuscript with shocking revelations about the author’s past and as Lowen tries to piece together the pieces she ends up falling for Verity’s husband Jeremy.

The people who read Verity are still basic, but they’re more Kindle basic rather than basic bitch. You’ve got more of a refined taste than the other girlies but that doesn’t mean you didn’t read every single John Green book within an inch of its life when you were younger. Verity is your attempt to release yourself from the traumatic chokehold The Fault In Our Stars has over you.

Ugly Love – A standard level of basic

Ugly Love has biiiig boy next door and friends with benefits vibe. It’s everything you expected your uni experience to be and there’s no shame in it. No one can blame you for it being your favourite out of Hoover’s collection but come on, you’re basic!!

Hopeless – You’re a traumatised basic girly

Hopeless is the tragic story of Sky and Dean as they come to terms with feelings for each other and where a major plot twist has them both questioning events of their shared past. This is another one of Hoover’s heartbreaking yet somewhat basic romances.

Hopeless will have you in tears and break your heart in a million different ways. If this is your favourite book then you enjoy a good cry and letting it all out, whilst at the same time loving a good plot twist. You might be a basic girly who loves a good cry but who doesn’t? It’s healthy x

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