Let’s meet some of the fighters of Glasgow Fight Night 2023

‘I’m working alongside great and driven people too which is only going to help me improve as a boxer’

It is less than a week until the much anticipated Glasgow Fight Night 2023 takes place at SWG3. Every year that we’ve covered the event we’ve truly had the most fantastic time, and it just seems to get better every year.

Read on to hear from the fighters about their training in preparation for the night and how they plan to celebrate once it is over.

Freya Buchanan

What are you studying?

I’m a third year studying Economics.

What is your ideal night out in Glasgow?

My ideal night out in Glasgow would be pres at Bank Street then clubbing literally anywhere with a drinks deal on or a student night.

What preparation did you do in advance of Fight Night?

To prep for the fight I’m trying to get as fit as possible for the night so going to training and the gym and trying to eat right. On the night itself I’ll probably put my headphones in and play some tunes to really hype myself up.

How will you celebrate if you win?

If I win I’ll probably celebrate by turning a night not to forget into one I won’t remember. I’ll be going hard at the Sanc after party.

How is the training going?

Training has been really good, it’s definitely tough but I knew what I was getting myself into and I think the fact it’s hard will be helpful in the long run. The Tuesday sessions are an absolute killer especially when the coaches are making us do burpees for what feels like forever.

What are you studying?

I study Aerospace Systems.

What is your ideal night out in Glasgow?

I would say that my ideal night out in Glasgow is a dinner with my mates followed by pres and then see how the night goes from there.

What preparation did you do in advance of Fight Night?

As a preparation for the fight, I started going to the gym more, started eating properly, going on runs every now and then, and just trying to follow a healthier life style in general.

How will you celebrate if you win?

When I win I will be heading out to Sanctuary with my mates for drinks and some music but not quite sure how much will be remembered from that night after.

Tell us about how you are finding your training

Training has been going well so far, but it’s way harder than I imagined it to be, but definitely a good challenge and commitment, and I am already feeling fitter and more ready for Fight Night with every training session I do.

What are you studying?


What is your ideal night out in Glasgow?

Sanc Wednesday but soon to be Sanc Tuesday.

What preparation did you do in advance of Fight Night?

I’ll be on a diet of strictly gammon, I will also start as many fights down the town as possible to increase my experience.

How will you celebrate if you win?

I won’t celebrate, it’s my job. Does a postman celebrate when they deliver the post?

Tell us about training.

Training has been quality, coaches are top class and physically put me through the hardest work I’ve ever had in sport. I’m working alongside great and driven people too which is only going to help me improve as a boxer. If I ever feel my motivation drop I can look across and see someone putting it in so it keeps me on my toes.

What are you studying?


What is your ideal night out in Glasgow?

Manuka’s red room on Tuesday nights then going to Hajar’s Shawarma afterwards for food.

What preparation did you do in advance of Fight Night?

Just making sure to look after my body, eat cleaner and just keep practising and working on my techniques.

How will you celebrate if you win?

Celebrate with my friends at the Sanctuary after party.

How is the preparation going?

Training has been going really well, it is very tough and has definitely pushed me physically as well as mentally.

Bryn Doherty


What are you studying?

I’m studying Medicine.

What is your ideal night out in Glasgow?

Ideal night out is Sanc Sports Night on a Wednesday.

What preparation did you do in advance of Fight Night?

For preparation I’m on a diet to try and lose a bit of my excess weight.

How will you celebrate if you win?

Celebration is brutal as unfortunately I have a rugby game against Aberdeen the next day so I need to go home instead of going out. Wednesday will be a big night though celebrating two wins in one night.

How tough has training been?

Training is going well. I’m really enjoying the challenge and I’m hoping to get the opportunity to spar more as we progress.