From musicals to 1D, here’s the societies that Lancs students wish they could join

The introvert society numbers would be sky high x

Although Lancaster has over 175 societies, we feel like it could do with a few more. From Swift society to Lego society, Lancaster has its fair share of wacky and wonderful societies. They really do have the power to make or break the uni experience, and being part of a society, along with meeting people with similar interests can help you find your people, as well as a sense of belonging on campus. We are going to throw some more suggestions into the mix of Lancaster’s increasingly long list of societies.

Social Anxiety Society

The idea of joining a new society can be daunting for anyone. People who suffer from social anxiety probably feel this anxiety 10 times as much, and find it almost impossible to escape from their comfort zone. Therefore, a society catered especially for anxious students could increase their confidence, allowing them to take part in the social side of uni, in more relaxed and comfortable environments.

Introvert Society

Now, this may seem somewhat of an oxymoron, as introverts stereotypically prefer to be alone, but that doesn’t mean they want to be alone ALL of the time. Popular uni activities like clubbing might not be so enjoyable for introverts and instead smaller, more relaxed activities, surrounded by people of a similar mindset, may be more appealing. Exercise, reading, baking, pottery, film nights, going for coffee, and crafts may be more up the street of introverts.

Musical Theatre Society

Performing arts societies are all very popular, however, some students feel there is a gap missing for musical theatre. Whether it be taking part in musicals, working behind the scenes, watching musicals at the theatre, or organising musical themed socials – we feel Lancaster is missing an opportunity here.

Cat Society

Most people are either a cat person or a dog person. If you’re a dog person that’s lucky, you can go to dog society, but if you’re a cat person, not so lucky. This society could potentially be built around the campus cat, Sir Guinness. Socials could involve going to Blackpool’s Cafe Meow, watching the film ‘Cats’ and maybe a joint social with SwiftSoc.

Via @sir_of_lancaster on Instagram

Trail Running Society

Considering the location of campus in relation to the Lake District, we were shocked this society doesn’t already exist. Trail running society could take inspiration from the Hiking Society, with trips to the Lake District or even the Yorkshire Dales. Although this sounds like our idea of hell, some students clearly enjoy it, and it seems only fair they should get the opportunity to join a society they are interested in.

Skateboarding Society

Another shock is the absence of a skateboarding society. Halton Skate Park in Lancaster could be the perfect place for members to have their weekly meet-ups with it’s “floodlit state-of-the-art” facilities.

One Direction Society

Via @oniedirection on Instagram

What’s that saying? There’s no fans quite like directioners. According to Urban Dictionary, ‘directioners’ are “the worlds craziest, scariest, most-dramatic yet dedicated fandom that has ever walked planet earth”, and we know Lancaster has its fair share. We are sure this society would be really popular. I mean, who wouldn’t want to meet up every week and listen to 1D music?

American Society

Lancaster has a variety of cultural societies, however, we are missing one for the United States. This society could help exchange students from the United States connect with other Americans, and help them adjust to life in England. Alternatively, non-Americans who are interested in American culture may also consider joining to learn more about the states.

Romanian Society

Students have also pointed out that Lancaster is missing a Romanian society. Similar to the last point, this society could be really important and valuable to people from Romania to be able to meet others that share their culture.

Cooking Society

Maybe we just want to show off our cooking abilities, or maybe it’s a genuinely good idea. This society is perfect for both skilled cooks, who are passionate about cooking, and those who struggle but are eager to learn new skills. Members could share and learn new recipes, gain meal inspiration, and even be super organised and make their own lunch, saving money and time waiting in the Greggs queue.

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