Nottingham Trent University introduces ‘free’ taxi scheme

If it’s the end of the night, you’re short on cash, don’t have your bank card on you, and you need to take a taxi home, NTSU has got you

Nottingham Trent Student Union has an agreement with Nottingham Cars that allows you to take a taxi home whenever you need to and pay for it the following week.

All you have to do is follow the steps listed below:

To book a taxi you need to call Nottingham Cars at 01159 700 700 and mention the Student Emergency Fare scheme.

When you get into the taxi, the driver will take note of your student number and look at the picture on your ID to verify your identity. A receipt will be provided to you after your journey is complete.

The SU will then receive an email from Nottingham Cars with your N-number, name, campus of study, and taxi fare cost.

The temporary fare will be paid on your behalf by student union; however, when SU receives an invoice from Nottingham Cars on a monthly basis, you will then settle with them.

NTSU will email you confirming your fare and provide payment instructions, you have one week to settle your bill. Please email [email protected] with any questions you may have about paying your bill.

Failing to do so will result in you being banned from using the scheme in the future.

The SU offers set rates between campuses and residence halls through a partnership with the local taxi company, Nottingham Cars. To reserve a taxi with them, you just need to download their app.

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