Chaos, caffeine and crying: A day in the life of a third year Exeter student

Deadlines? I only know coffee, sweet treats and tears x

Ah third year, the pinnacle of our undergraduate careers. With graduation (hopefully) looming, this year is all about a hard graft and making the most of our final moments of freedom. So, what does a typical day in the life of a third year involve? I’ll give you a hint – reading, crying and a bit more reading. What’s not to love? Oh, there’s also a whole lot of time spent on campus in your emotional support study spot. So, if you’re a first or second year, feel free to have a cheeky glimpse into your future.

7am: Pep talk time

Morning, morning, time to get to work. The highlight of my day will always be my first coffee to get me hyped for the day ahead, and the singalong while getting ready. On my playlist today: 1989 (Taylor’s Version), of course.

8am: Trek to campus (way too early)

There’s nothing like some morning cardio on the walk to campus. Long gone are the days of on-campus halls – instead, I am blessed with a stroll to uni, all before making my way up Forum Hill. Yum. Also, now that it’s winter, I get to walk in the dark – even better. Please remind me to never wear heels around campus again.

10am: Get a mid-seminar sweet treat

We have a tradition in my seminar class to grab a sweet treat from the Peter Chalk cafe, Barisca, to get us through the day and break up our academic discussions. Nothing quite says academic weapon like a brownie-cookie blend of heaven.

11am: Discuss our essays

As English students know, an essay deadline is never far away. This term, it feels like we’ve only just moved in and the new exam submission system on ELE 2 has taken a hold (rip BART). Essay topics I’ve heard so far: Coffee, semi-colons and sewing. Lovely.

12pm: Bond over your stress

Next on the agenda – get stressed. It’s even better if you can get together with your friends and make it a social event. Third year is intense, ranting can help: Head to Pret, Starbucks or the Ram (a midday pint may be needed) and bond over a breakdown.

1pm: Cry about dissertations

As if the workload and looming deadlines weren’t enough, now it’s time to head to a dissertation lecture. Located in the fun setting of Northcott Theatre, there’s certainly time for drama in listening to how you should be planning your diss. It’s also a great opportunity to see all the people you’ve met on your course and rekindle some friendships – typically right before everyone graduates and leaves Exeter, maybe for good. No, I don’t know what I’m writing my diss on yet, please stop asking.

2pm: Rinse the Pret subscription

Although I will never get over Pret subscriptions being cancelled on campus, that doesn’t mean I won’t make the most of the one on the high street. If you see me looking stressed, sipping an Applejito – mind your business.

3pm: Mid-distance Friday journeys

As GWR’s biggest fan, it’s time to hop on a train towards Cornwall to see the boyfriend (who made placements a thing?) But once the travelling is over, it’s time to chill.

6pm: And relax, sort of

Fridays can only mean one thing: Pub. It’s time to drown your sorrows and try and distract yourself from the chaos of third year life, even just for a bit. Before you know it, you’ll be getting your degree and waving goodbye to the best experience you could ever have. We love you really Exeter!

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