Stop the Netflix and nights in: Here are five Glasgow date ideas for this cuffing season

Move over hot girl summer I’m ready for my cosy dates

Hot girl summer is officially over and now it’s time to enjoy this cuffing season as we kick off winter. For all the boys and girls out there looking to impress a partner on a date, here are a few date ideas for all of you couples out there, starting from some of the best free things to do in Glasgow to more fancy (and spenny) nights out. If you’re not in a relationship then of course all of these can be done with a friend or two.

1. Walks through parks and museums

Despite you probably running through Kelvingrove on most days to get to class, there’s nothing more romantic than an intimate stroll down Kelvingrove Park, Pollok Park, Glasgow Green, or Bellahouston Park. You can either rest on a bench admiring the squirrels or have a smooch while admiring the sunset at the top of the Park Circus stairs in KG. After walking through KG park and along the river Clyde, you could go to Kelvingrove art gallery and get to know each other by playing “hot or not” with the works of art.

If you fancy seeing some Highland coos, then they’re only a short bus ride away in Pollok Park, where you can admire them as well as the stunning grounds and art in the new Burrell collection. You could also do this in Bellahouston Park in Southside, after drinking a hot chocolate in House for an Art Lover and admiring its gallery and grounds before heading to a potential ski lesson together.

2. Brunch and a walk to the Botanics

After finishing both your classes why not visit your favourite coffee shop for some rejuvenation and good conversation? Both of you could meet at a place for brunch and coffee date at Tribeca, Urban West or Kothel to then walk it all off in the West End along Byres Road, potentially making your way down to the botanical gardens for some heating inside the botanics.

3. Movie and drinks in Ashton Lane

The Grosvenor movie theatre and the GFT are playing Halloween themed films this coming week and nothing says you’re on a date more than cuddling up in fear from a horror film. Now that you have something to discuss and in order to recover from watching the horror film, why not treat yourselves to a drink (or several) down Ashton Lane or Sauchiehall Street?

4. Hot Yoga and Boozy Pottery 

Luckily for you hot yoga classes are held in the same building as the boozy pottery! Although both experiences need to be booked (not too far) in advance, you can enjoy a soothing and relaxing workout before enjoying a drink while painting a pottery piece you feel the need to add to your flat! It is a great way to bond as well as socialise with others and relax with some free flowing booze…how could you say no? Obviously if you’re more keen for one than the other you should definitely go for it, and then maybe head back for some takeaway from Ting Thai Caravan.

5. A Glasgow night out

If you’re not into Mango’s Wednesday night salsa dance classes or Wunderbar’s live music, then hit the bars in town like Moskito, Speakeasy, and Fiji which are quiet enough for you to have conversation…to then escalate for a good night out by inviting your own/mutual friends.

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