Five things to do to spice up your Bonfire Night in Edinburgh

How is it November already?

Personally, I can’t quite believe it’s November and that first semester is more than halfway done, even if I am completely freezing and the sun sets at like 3pm now.

The fun thing about the season, though, is that it is filled with lots of little holidays to distract you from the reality that your heating bill has gone up and finals are just round the corner. Bonfire Night is no exception. If you are looking for something to do tonight, look no further: here are five ways you can mark the occasion without accidentally setting fire to your neighbour’s hedge.

1. Hike to Calton Hill

It’s not the most innovative choice but it definitely serves as one of the best views over the city. The Crags or Arthurs Seat give the same effect, if you’re willing to contend with the inevitable influx of the Pollock population. 

2. Celebrate in style

For those of you who want to celebrate the evening in style, you could opt for a ticketed event. Scottish Love in Action (SLA) are hosting a charity “Fireworks extravaganza” with live music and dancers if you are feeling particularly festive.

3. Host a pot-luck 

After two weeks of consistent rain, why not save yourself the soggy jeans and muddy trainers by hosting a pot-luck? If all goes to plan, everyone will forget their food behind and you will be sorted for the week. 

4. S’mores on the beach

Put those Bronze DofE skills to the test and set up a campfire on Portobello beach. You could even treat yourself to a late night swim before the Edinburgh winter truly descends. 

5. Grab your flask and head up Blackford Hill 

For all of you who are Marchmont-based, you have the perfect viewpoint at your doorstep. Wrap up warm, fill your keep-cup and enjoy the bustle of Blackford Hill. 

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