Here’s a list of the best ways to take part in Movember at Exeter Uni

Release that ‘tache for some cash

Roll up, ladies! If moustaches are your thing, then this is the month for you! October has officially come to an end, and with it, have gone the days of the clean shave. At Exeter Uni, November only means one thing – it’s time to release the hairy upper lip! Year after year, Exeter students go above and beyond in their efforts to raise money for Movember. The Movember charity was established in Melbourne, Australia in 2003 and has been helping men with health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide ever since. This year as a university, we have a collective target of £150,000, so if you’d like to get involved, then read on for some ideas on how you can help to make a difference.

1. Go for the classic ‘MoBro’

For the lovely gents about campus, this is your opportunity to release your inner wild side and grow out that ‘tache. Becoming a MoBro is a handy way to raise money, just by forgoing your morning shave. You can simultaneously save time before your morning lecture, whilst doing something honourable for a great cause. Regardless of how quickly (or slowly!) your facial hair may grow, simply unleashing your moustache can contribute towards raising awareness for men’s health, whilst looking great.

2. Have a look at the key events going on around campus

Movember Exeter have arranged a number of fundraising activities over the course of the month, for example, the Ladies Hockey Club has arranged a “sponge the committee event” and a bake sale. The Netball Club is encouraging people to take part in their “big dip” and the Snowsports Society is leading a “Walk and talk” to Dartmoor. All events and dates can be found on the @movemberexeter Instagram page!

3. Host a ‘Mo-ment’

Movember fundraising has always been a very sociable thing here at Exeter. If there’s one thing that uni students do best, it’s getting people together: This is why a “Mo-Ment” would be a perfect opportunity to raise some money this November. Mo-ments focus on getting people together to raise both funds and awareness for men’s mental health. This can be anything, whether it’s a Movember themed social, a big pres before a night out in TP, or a dinner party with your nearest and dearest, getting together is what it’s all about. Your Mo-ment could be something with a paid entry-fee or simply an event that encourages people to donate whatever they can afford: Every little counts towards reaching that big 150.

4. Take part in a ‘Mo-run’

Did you know that running from The Vic to Dawlish is around 20km in distance by foot? If you and your friends fancy swapping a pint in the pub for a pair of running shoes, then why not take part in a sponsored run. Each year, Movember encourages people to sign up for the “Move Initiative”, which requires people to run or walk 60km over the course of the month. The initiative remembers the 60 men that are lost to suicide globally, every hour. You can cover the distance over the course of the month, or in one go (with a few Vic stops in between), but it’s all about getting out and getting involved.

5. Mo your own way

If none of the previous options quite tickle your ‘tache then you can always choose to “Mo your own way”. There is no right or wrong way to raise money for Movember, as long as you’re having fun whilst doing it. The Movember website lists a variety of ways to get involved for example, taking part in a karaoke night (get yourself down to The Vic on a Tuesday evening), giving up sugar, caffeine or alcohol for the month (put away your Pret subscriptions for the month), or dusting off your saddle and creating your own cycling challenge (cycle up Forum Hill anyone?). The opportunities are endless when it comes to spreading awareness for a great cause! Just head on over to the Movember website to get started and be sure to follow @movemberexeter for more events and updates on the fundraising!

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