Eight ways to turn your student house from shit to hit

A little interior design advice for my fellow struggling students…

Times are hard financially for us students and it’s more difficult than ever to make our notoriously manky houses look even remotely homely. Perhaps if Jesmond houses looked as expensive as they actually were, Osbornes wouldn’t be a second home to so many raging alcoholics.

That said, here are eight ways to spice up your living room, bond with your housemates and definitely impress all the people who peer through your windows.

1. The basics

Cushions, pillows, blankets, blah blah blah. These are basics any house should have, and so you better have them already – or else you and your house are a lost cause.

2. FreePrints

Spice up any room with a personal touch! Some selfies and group photos chaotically thrown onto a wall can really turn any room from an asylum to a retreat. And there’s no excuse for bare walls when FreePrints exists (real ones know).

Don’t be lazy.

3. Seasonal decor

Although nothing screams “student” more than Halloween decorations up in December, you can’t deny it livens up the place. Plus, they serve as a good reminder of both great memories and bad decisions.

Halloween decorations especially – those parties never end well.

4. Birthday celebrations

Once again, why should birthdays only be celebrated one day out of 365? Make it last the whole year by never taking them down. Whether it be laziness or clever interior design, those balloons are adorbs x

5. Fairy lights

Nothing quite literally brightens up a room more than fairy lights. Never turn on the big light again with the ambience of a monastery in your very own home. For a Stranger Things-esque vibe, try multi-coloured lights. These suit a student environment perfectly… chaotic and reminiscent of a Joyce Byers-style mental breakdown.

6. Doormats

Doormats are an understated accessory for both feet-wiping and expressing your personality. What better way to show your neighbours or even housemates how fun you are!

Live, laugh, love doormats x

7. Clean your damn kitchen

Nothing turns a student house from shit to hit more than a good deep clean. The difference a mopped floor, clean sink and wiped table make is absolutely wild. Funnily enough, many students seem to not be aware of this (from personal experience).

8. A meaningful tapestry

Finally, tapestries effortlessly let the window creepers in your neighbourhood know what you are about – spirituality, vibes and zen-ness. And it’s definitely a win to let the hot dads know they are welcome anytime.


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