The Durham Tab is looking for new writers! Come and join the 2024 team

Come to our open meeting at The Library Bar on the 23rd January at 7:00pm

The Tab Durham is on the look out for new writers to join their outstanding team! So brace yourself, because one of Durham’s best opportunities is knocking on your door!

Here’s a quick rundown of everything you need to know:

The Tab features a huge variety of content that allows everyone to try new things or embrace what they are passionate about! Members can cover breaking news stories as they unfold and spread awareness of key events to the students of Durham.

Not keen on writing those more intense news stories? No stress! Our features are the perfect chance to write about the wacky, the wild and the just plain weird aspects of Durham life from tips on where to get your hot chocolate fix to student’s disgusting eating habits… the weirder the better!

We are also looking for content creators who can take to TikTok with fresh and fun ideas for our eager audience! The Tab is ripe with opportunity and our amazing team will ensure your creativity is given the perfect platform to thrive on!

The Tab welcomes everyone and provides an environment where your voice can finally be heard. Taking on new opportunities can be nerve racking (trust me, I know!), but if you have any interest in creating content with us, regardless of if it is a fiery passion of yours or even just a smidge of curiosity, you owe it to yourself to give yourself a chance to shine at The Tab.

I was terrified of joining and I was a nervous wreck during my first session, but never before has a team made me feel so strongly that I matter, that I belong and that I had a voice that deserved being heard. Before long, The Tab wasn’t just another Durham adventure, it became my home.

Image Credit: Apple Maps

Get your diaries out because you’re going to want to write this down: We will be holding an open session at The Library Bar on the 23rd January at 7:00pm. This is the perfect opportunity to come by and meet the team, share your ideas, ask questions, or just have a drink and a chat with us!

We cannot wait to see you there and we look forward to expanding this already incredible team!

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