Here are the five best places to get pancakes in Exeter this Pancake Day

Less than a week until you can eat as many pancakes as possible

It’s that time of the year where Pancake Day is just around the corner – whether you are a pancake fanatic, or someone who has to remind themselves that this unusual day actually exists. As yummy as pancakes are, I often find myself forgetting to take advantage of this day, watching it simply pass me by. However, since moving to university in a completely new city, I have grown an appreciation towards the wide range of different cafes and restaurants there are to explore – including the delish pancakes!

So, where are the best places to spend your Pancake Day? Let’s have a look:

1. Boston Tea Party

Starting off on a strong note, Boston Tea Party! This cafe is one of my favourites in Exeter, and the brunch never disappoints. The pancakes are SO worth the money. The cafe has two options: One on the more savoury side with bacon and maple syrup, and the other (my personal favourite) with blueberries and cream yoghurt. If you want to spend pancake day at home, Boston Tea Party have released a recipe for their thick and fluffy pancakes! So, get baking – you really don’t have an excuse.

2. Bill’s

Want stacks and stacks and stacks of bottomless pancakes? Bill’s is the place to go. Not only are the pancakes absolutely delicious, but they are also affordable for a price of £7.50. A win win! Why not go on a cute brunch date with your girls and stuff yourselves with endless amounts of pancakes? If you’re feeling fancy, you could even add a cheeky bottomless Prosecco on the side.

3. Cosy Club

Located in the heart of Exeter, Cosy Club is yet another one of the numerous cafes with mouth-watering pancakes. The cafe offers stacks of pancakes with a wide range of different toppings to pick-and-mix, some of which include fresh pineapple, mascarpone, syrup, toasted coconut, lime zest, blueberries, and bacon. OMG, this is making me hungry.

4. The Creperie

This option is great for those crepe lovers with a busy schedule, who want to eat a pancake on the go! The Creperie is absolutely the place for you. Located on Castle Street, the stall caters to the tastes of ALL pancake lovers. This would also make a perfect addition to a leisurely stroll with your besties.

5. Homemade pancakes

As a university student, the budget can feel particularly tight and you may be wanting to save some money. No problem – making pancakes with your flatmates or course friends can be a fun and easy way to bond. Get the speaker out, put on some background tunes, try NOT to burn the flat down, and enjoy baking!

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