Here’s a guide on how to survive Exeter post break up over Valentine’s Day

Who needs a Valentine when I’m my own best date?

February: The month of romance, roses and rugby boys finally putting their girl before the boys. There is a reason Valentine’s Day falls on the shortest month of the year – there are fewer days for boys to put you first and bring you those corner shop flowers and maybe, if you’re lucky, a cup of tea in bed. However, remember that there are guys out there who will make every day feel like Valentine’s and do the little things, but if he doesn’t, he is NOT the one. So, instead of fearing the walk to campus knowing you are going to bump into your ex on Forum Hill, take this month as an opportunity to focus on you and set yourself new goals that will last a lifetime and make you happy.

Anyway, this year we are not celebrating romantic love and making a big fuss over the boys doing the bare minimum, we are focusing on ourselves and being our own boyfriends. Instead of crying over him whilst stalking his Insta and the new girl he is seeing, try this guide to make you feel less alone this month and more in control of your own life.

Step 1: Deep clean your room

I’m thinking light a candle, pop a bit of the Sugar Babes on – leave Noah Khan and Taylor, they will make you cry and miss your ex! Get a boogie going and start taking down those pictures of him (yes, I know it’s hard to do it but trust me, out of sight out of mind). Let’s also put on fresh sheets. Ultimately, when your room feels calm, so will you.

Step 2: Make yourself feel the best version of yourself

This is different for everyone – whether that is having an everything shower or putting on an outfit you love and he hated, do what makes you feel and look great. Wash your hair, use a face mask, fake tan if you have the energy, anything that puts you in the mindset that you are enough and so worthy of positive vibes only! Also, treat yourself to those cute pjs you have always wanted (you know – the viral Sainsbury’s ones).

Step 3: Take yourself out

Drop a message on the girl’s group chat to organise a walk to the Quay. The fresh air and chit-chat with your girlies will also help make you feel less alone and you will realise how much you already have. Once at the Quay, pop into one of the cafes for a girl’s brunch. I heard Mangos is pretty good and serves alcohol too, if you feel like you could use a few bubbles to help pick yourself up!

Step 4: Know your self-worth

I know this month is full of cute couples posting their love on Instagram. I am sorry to say that the pain is only intensified by the sad sad news of Ed Westwick proposing to his girlfriend (may all Gossip Girl fans mourn), but honestly, the whole ideology of finding the one at uni is just extra pressure you don’t need. Valentine’s Day does not need to be all about romantic love, but it can be an opportunity to practice self-love and appreciation. Reflect on your strengths, accomplishments, and the things that make you happy. If going to a nice coffee shop on Magdalen Road and going to the gym makes you happy then do more of that. Be you, be kind, be brilliant!

Step 5: Flowers

Buy yourself some flowers, boys always get the wrong ones anyway!

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