The definitive York student bucket list every student must complete before graduating

It’s about the experience, not the degree

York has often been name dropped as one of the prettiest places to live. Maybe when we see some of the buildings on West Campus we forget this fact but nevertheless, student life in York has its perks. The biggest cliche is when we hear our parents say “your time at uni will fly by” but having already experienced the first year and a half at York I can testify it really does. You have the opportunity to explore an entire city so don’t waste any time and do get stuck in.

So, here is a definitive list every York student must complete before they graduate.

1. Shambles and cathedral

York is known for its aesthetic streets and buildings. Just a short bus ride or walk, the shambles and the York Minster are located in the heart of town and do not disappoint. Ideal for your Insta posts and Stories, the cobbled streets of the shambles are home to markets and cute shops. The York ghost merchant is a favourite on TikTok and is definitely worth visiting.

2. Walk the City Walls with a Sunset

The city walls are located around the whole of York city. You can access gates across town to enter the walls which take you on a trail through the city. It is the perfect walk to do with a sunset and gives you views of the some of the magnificent landmarks of the city.

3.  Attend a 9am

Just do it. At least once…

4. Get a take away from Salt and Pepper

I can imagine sober it probably wouldn’t taste as good but stumbling out of Salvos or Flares and finding your way to heaven (Salt and Pepper) is the perfect end to a york student night out. Go to order has to be the cheesy chips with garlic sauce everywhere. Making friends in Salt and Pepper comes naturally. You’re either giving advice to the girl in the booth sobbing over her ex or you’re going up to random people and asking for (stealing) a chip. Eating in certainly provides you with the best entertainment. Special mention must go to the guys that serve us and willingly listen to our drunken yappings – you really are the best!

5. Attend a Wednesday social club night

This is a York student classic. Either at salvos or flares , a social night is a must. Usually dressed in themed costumes, students go crazy on a Wednesday night. Jason Reilly (the famous but not so famous DJ) does not disappoint on these nights out. For the girls and guys that push and shove on the dance floor (you know who you are) I seriously hope you accidentally step on lego.

6. BBQ on campus

Buy a £5 make do BBQ and do it! Just before you break up for summer, grab all your mates, buy food and cans and head to the grass on Campus East. Bring a speaker and a frisbee and you’re sorted. Campus West also has some great picnic spots and some colleges even have built in BBQ’s but beware of the ducks around campus!

BBQ essentials include beers, a bottle opener, napkins, a speaker, football, burgers, hot dogs, buns, utensils, ice lollies, and sauces!

7. Christmas markets

Probably one of the central tourist attractions of the city, the Christmas markets do not disappoint. That’s if you can handle the general public stopping every two seconds in the middle of the street to take a picture. They usually begin late November and run throughout December. From food stalls to hot chocolate stands, the Christmas markets are a must for York students. Top tip – wrap up warm (as a southerner I seriously underestimated how cold York would be) It’s the perfect opportunity to buy your Christmas presents. Some of the stalls include luxury local food and alcohol produce, handmade souvenirs, clothing, cards and much more.

8. Study in the King’s Manor

For when you’re feeling aesthetic but also want to get some studying done the city archive rooms are the perfect spot…it’s giving Oxford libraries and dark academia. We all love a Morrell Library study session for when the workload is overflowing but the archive rooms are another, more aesthetically pleasing, study space for students. Though be warned it is dead silent so serious studying only and you can avoid the death stares.

9. Have your heart broken in first year

We have all been here. The one who can’t commit, the one who isn’t “emotionally available” and the crush who you find out has in fact already got a girlfriend.

Don’t settle for ‘”the long term, low commitment casual partner” position. I promise you, you have not met the love of your life in the salvos smoking area or the boy you met in first year. Heartbreak is never easy but you will get over it.

(For the girlies who think they can’t get over the heartbreak, I recommend watching a uni rugby match)

However, on the rare occasion that you do fall head over heels for the first person you meet– congratulations. I’m sure it will be a very cute story to tell your kids…

10. Attend the Roses

The roses tournament in an annual varsity sports competition between Lancaster University and the University of York. Its hosted alternatley at both York and Lancaster uni so it won’t be every year at York but during your time here it will definitely be held in York at least once so make sure you go and show your support.

Campus is transformed into whole weekend of sports, fundraising and club nights (alternatively, it’s just an excuse to get really, really drunk during the day and night). Either way make sure you tick it off that list!

 11. Ride a scooter around campus

It is a lot more fun than it sounds, trust me. Everyone is always baffled by the random scooters dotted across campus but any student can use one, just download the app and you get a free ride!

Note: Do not do this after several pints, it’s definitely illegal and will not end well.

12. Be a STYC

In your second and third year you can help welcome first years into the university. Your role includes helping first years move into the accommodation, welcoming and directing them on arrival day and helping them settle during freshers week. You can live first year all over again! It also looks great on your CV.

Pros include: Free merch, free club entry.

Cons: Early mornings, silly freshers.

13. Attend the York races

York races are held during the first term of uni and it is one of the biggest events of the year. Nearly every time we end up missing the horses but realistically nobody is there for the horses. It’s the perfect excuse to get dressed up, empty your entire bank account on a whole bottle of wine or pimms jug to yourself and socialise with York uni and the other uni students attending.

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