Editorial Policy

The Tab is a site covering youth culture, run by journalists who like being first. We endeavour to always be accurate, fair and credit our sources where it’s due. All of the professional journalists in our London office have between 2-7 years of experience in publishing and editing stories.

Fact-checking policy

We take fact-checking stories seriously – so our readers can trust us as a credible source.

– Our journalists fact-check their articles via multiple sources to ensure accuracy

– A team of professional editors and the Editor offer oversight of all stories and review all stories for accuracy

– We always name our story sources where appropriate

– We always seek confirmation, comment and offer Right of Reply to individuals covered in our articles (or their representatives) where necessary

Ethics policy

We offer fair and accurate news reporting and our journalists are required to:

– Accurately report stories giving a true picture of events

– Ensure reporting is balanced

– Not mislead readers through omission

– Not take quotes out of context

Corrections policy

We strive to ensure our stories are accurate and will be happy to correct any factual mistakes brought to our attention. If you believe a story is factually inaccurate, please contact us at [email protected]

Ownership and funding

The Tab is part of Digitalbox Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Digitalbox plc. Our site is funded through the sale of advertising in and around the articles we write. In addition to advertising, any commercial content is clearly marked as “Sponsored” to ensure readers are not misled in any way. More information about the company, and its strategy and ownership structure can be found at our corporate site: www.digitalbox.com