Why having a part time job makes uni better in every way

That feeling when payday comes

Not being broke at the end of the semester

You can go out four nights in a row after exams and not feel bad, unlike your housemates who are deep into their overdrafts. Even Crazy Dave can’t go to Revs tonight because he’s broke.

You’re more organised than your housemates

Working a job and balancing your course has prepared you for life after graduation. Your housemates leave revision to the last minute and love lazing around binge watching Making a Murderer on Netflix whereas you’ve started weeks in advance to fit around work.


Your housemates haven’t even started revising yet

Everyone knows your name

You get recognised on campus as “the Tesco guy” and feel quite proud of your title. The locals know you too – like Fat Tony and Snake man –  you always smile when you see them in town.

That feeling of pride on payday

“It’s on me tonight, babe.” You and Beth were a little shaky, but you’ve taken her out to the cute Vietnamese place on the corner to get back in her good books. You’ve treated her to a slap up three course meal without having to check your bank balance once.

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You don’t feel guilty about spending a bit more on things

Your pre-drink of choice has upgraded from £3.99 Rosé to £6.99 own brand Prosecco. Your housemate’s 21st to Amsterdam is actually something you look forward to now knowing you’re not going to be living off soup sachets in the run up to save for it.

Understanding the true value of sleep

You didn’t get back from work till 5am and your housemates are up at 10am shouting over each other about how Josh got with Megan’s mate from Netball.


Having a life and friends outside uni

Working part time has introduced you to people you never usually would be friends with like Gaz the 30-year-old with two kids and Katie on your section who work full time.

Relating everything you spend back to the money

Can you really justify spending a 60 quid on trainers in Urban Outfitters? No. You’ve just mentally calculated that would cost you a five hour shift on Saturday night.


Having to actually take responsibility for yourself

Your housemates are trying to convince you to go out to that Garage night you’ve been to hundreds of times – you’re disciplined enough to say no as you have work at midday and have a Communism essay for Monday. The next morning you sit around smugly, whilst your hanging housemates sit and complain about their rubbish night and how much money they spent on taxis and Vodka Redbulls.

Realising how immature your friends are sometimes

You also no longer hate the bouncer when he throws Annie out for being too drunk, instead you appreciate he’s only trying to do his job. Every time you go into The White Lion you have to tell desperate Matt to stop harassing the barmaid.

“She was giving me the look though.”

“Matt, it’s her job to smile at you.”

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