A night in with YUsnow

Surprisingly, they didn’t get naked

YUsnow are renowned for being one of the maddest societies on campus – we caught up with Zach, Ellis, Sophie, Millie, Faye, Alex and Ashleigh over Prezzo pizza and drinks courtesy of Deliveroo.

YUsnow were keen to state their club isn’t like other sports clubs.

They said: “No one ever gets forced to do anything they don’t want to do – there’s no lad culture. We have our own culture.”


YUsnow got through 6 Prezzo pizzas

Do you have any rituals or traditions?

In terms of a club we aren’t a “jocky” club, we’re not like – “you’re a fresher, let’s get you.” It’s just seeing if you have the balls to do it, it’s not like if you don’t do it you get punished. Other clubs can be quite condescending and mean. We don’t want to scare anyone away so we always try to be massively inclusive.

What was the most memorable moment from your ski trip?

Joe the old captain did a backflip off our first floor balcony. That was awesome.There’s so many fun memories but it’s the whole experience, as you get up in the morning and you ski all day. First year we found a cliff built like a jump and we were doing front flips jumps off it all day which ended in pain but that was awesome.

Who is the best skiier?
Tom Grant is the captain, last year he came first in the North, overall he came third in the country. Also, this year our board team won regionals.

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Zach Ferritto Goodall, third year, Archaeology


President of YUsnow Zach (far left) tucking into Prezzo’s pulled pork pizza

What’s your favourite night out at uni?

It’s closed now but it used to be Willow, Willow was awesome, it was an old Chinese restaurant that got closed down and converted into a club. It used to just play cheese. Only place in the whole of York open until five. 

House or Drum & Bass?

Can I say Jungle?

Describe your dress sense?

Old school.

Who is your celebrity hero?

Leonardo DiCaprio.

Snog, marry, avoid: Katie Price, Gemma Collins, Paris Hilton

Avoid Gemma, I’d marry Paris Hilton because she’s minted and I’d kiss Jordan because I have to.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Brussel Sprouts, I love them cold, not even cooked.

What’s your go to fancy dress outfit?

Anything that’s a woman. I always go as dirty old Nanna Pat.

Millie Reed, third year, Economics


Mille (left) is YUsnow’s trip organiser

Kiss, marry, avoid Ryan Gosling, David Beckham, Channing Tatum

Marry Channing Tatum, kiss Ryan Gosling, I’d kill David Beckham oh wait you said avoid.

Describe your dress sense?


Who is your celebrity hero?

Ed Miliband.

Who was the last person you went on a date with?

A guy from Harrogate.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A vet, now I want to be unemployed.

What’s your go-to fancy dress outfit

My dinosaur, it’s a costume – she’s called Gloria and she’s green.

If you could get one meal delivered to your door what would it be?

Beef in black bean sauce and egg fried rice from Suca To.

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Ellis Raine, second year, Maths


Ellis (checked grey shirt) hosted the night

Role: Snowboard captain

Kiss, marry, avoid Mila Kunis, Megan Fox, Kendall Jenner

Marry Mila Kunis, avoid Kendall Jenner and kiss Megan Fox.

Describe your dress sense?


How quickly can you down a pint?

Averagely quick – six or seven seconds.

What’s your go to fancy dress outfit

Alice in Wonderland.

If you could have any meal delivered to your door what would it be?

Chips, from Brown Cow.

Alex King, fourth year, Business Management


Alex (bottom left)

What’s your favourite night out at uni?

Kuda Tuesdays – Kudays.

Who is your celebrity hero?

Richard Branson.

How many people did you get with during freshers?


What’s your guilty pleasure?

Probably driving down to McDonald’s at 2am and getting a McFlurry.

If you could have one meal delivered to your house what would it be?

Chicken Katsu curry from Wagamamas.

Get food from your favourite restaurants in York delivered to your door with Deliveroo.

Sophie Rees, second year, Music


Sophie has been a member of YUsnow for two years

What’s your favourite night out at uni?


Describe your dress sense?


Who is your celebrity hero?

Cara Delevingne is cool.

Who was the last person you went on a date with?

A guy from Tinder – it went well.

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

Definitely gin.

If you could have any meal delivered to your house what would it be?

Easily a Wagamamas – it was Katsu Curry but I’ve gone for Duck Ramen recently.

Faye Donnison, third year, Psychology


Faye (right) enjoying Prezzo’s Queen Margherita courtesy of Deliveroo, she’s been a member for three years.

Who is your celebrity hero?

Ellie Goulding.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I wanted to be a brain surgeon and now I want to work as a psychologist with rapists and murderers on death row in prison.

How quickly can you down a pint?

About 10/15 seconds.

What’s your go to fancy dress outfit

Because I’m social sec of another society I always do a theme where Im the main character, so I was Pavlov and the others were dogs.

If you could have one meal delivered to your house?

Fajitas from El Paradiso in town.

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Ashleigh Cork, Electronics foundation year


Ashleigh is YUsnow’s freshers rep

What’s your favourite night out at uni?

Willow. Think of the worst club night you’ve ever been to and magnify it by 100 – that was Willow. You can’t describe Willow to anyone, only people that have been to Willow can describe it. It closed down this year and people cried.

Describe your dress sense?


Who is your celebrity hero?

Bruce Willis.

Who was the last person you went on a date with?

I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An astronaut, now I want to work in a ski resort somewhere – that’s the dream.

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

I’m a massive geek, I like sci-fi stuff – I’ve been watching a lot of Stargate.

If you could have one meal delivered to your door what would it be?

Chimi Changas from Pedros in my hometown.


We also asked the team to chose which member was most likely to find themselves in the following situations:

Who is the most likely to end up in jail?


Who is most likely to drop out of uni?


Who is most likely to get a 2:2?


Who will marry the best-looking person?


Who is most likely to have a Vegas shotgun wedding?


Who is the most annoying on a night out?


Who has the best pick-up skills?


Who is most likely to be in YUsnow forever and never leave?


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