The Tab Power 250: The top 100

Making friends and influencing people

100) Ofure Ugiagbe, Leicester, 431 votes


Law student Ofure became Leicester SU’s sports president back in July. She launched the ‘Be The Influence’ campaign and manage a team of four VPs.

99) Laura Tidd, Durham, 432 votes

Anthropology student Laura is president of Durham’s feminist society.

98) Jack Bull, Queen Mary, 435 votes

Final year Jack Bull is the Snowsport Captain.

97) Michelle Walder, Bath, 436 votes

Michelle is chair of Bath’s theatre group BUST which is run entirely by students.

96) James Tufnell, Durham, 440 votes


Archeology Third Year, James Tufnell ran the Marathon de Sables with a broken leg, rowed for DUBC, and is driving 11,000 miles to Mongolia this summer.

95) Emma Lydia Zürcher, UCL, 441 votes


Emma is vice-president of UCL’s debating society and is a member of UCL volunteering service unit Think Tank. She studies History & French.

94) Edward Tomlinson-Morrell, Bath, 444 votes


Treasurer for Politics Society. He loves sharks but hates capitalism.

93) Olly Watkins, Plymouth, 444 votes


As part of Plymouth’s Rowing Club, Olly organised a 48 hour charity row to raise money for Help For Heroes in support of Row2Recovery.

92) George Snape, Newcastle, 444 votes


You can usually hear him before you see him. George is an undoubted BNOC and charity volunteer, and helps out a lot with RAG week.

91) Ghazaleh Ghodrati, Exeter, 444 votes


Middle East Studies student Ghazaleh is known for always being out. She is also a student ambassador for the university, writes for The Tab and she is the social sec of the Middle East society.

90) Jon Ako, Loughborough, 453 votes


Jon is a former RAG committee member and is now hall chair of Rigg Rutt Hall.

89) You You Xue, Kent, 468 votes


88) Richard Cubitt, Bristol, 470 votes


Richard is a promoter for VIP and is son of Baron Ashcombe which makes him heir apparent to the title.

87) Hannah Adler, Birmingham, 471 votes


Hannah is your Seedy Sonics DJ. Check her out on Soundcloud

86) Rob Klim, Norwich, 475 votes


Rob is a first year History student who has been given the title of the craziest fresher UEA has ever seen.

85) Ben Jarvis Parsons, Trent, 476 votes


Trent SU bartender Ben also works as Nottingham Trents Smirnoff brand ambassador. He is also the social sec for LEX Law Society. Because of all this he has over 30,000 Twitter followers and is a recognised face on campus.

84) Tom Faherty, Birmingham, 490 votes


Tom is the President of the Bowling society and is in his final year studying Psychology.

83) Joseph McDougall, Leicester, 491 votes


Joe captains Leicester’s american football team, the Leicester Longhorns, a club which has grown in popularity over the last year.

82) Jordan Warren, Southampton, 492 votes


Every week, without fail, rain or shine, Jordan gets up and performs a decidedly mediocre ‘Man in the Mirror’, in semi-MJ costume, to very possibly the most venomous crowd in karaoke history. To be clear: he does this every single week.

81) Polly Fletcher, Queen Mary, 494 votes


English Lit and Drama student Polly Fletcher is president of the Queen Mary Netball Team.

80) Craig Chalmers, Strathclyde, 506 votes


Computer Science fourth year Craig Chalmers is the Governance Officer of the Sports Exec and former Club Captain of Golf.

79) Osama Zubair, Kent, 516 votes


Electronic and communications engineering student Osama is president at Kent’s Islamic society.

78) Nikki Fry, Newcastle, 518 votes


Final year Economics student Nikki is president of Newcastle’s Economics society.

77) Jess Burns, UWE, 520 votes


Jess is captain of UWE women’s rugby union team.

76) Alec Trigger, Oxford, 520 votes 


Engineer Alec is President of Oxford’s lightweight rowing squad.

75) Nobby Hunt, Exeter, 528 votes


74) Helen Clemmow, Southampton, 529 votes


Netball player and at that party you went to last week too.

73) Elle Upshall, Leeds, 543 votes


2nd year Management and Marketing student Elle is shaving off her hair for charity. She will be donating her hair to Little Princess Trust.

72) Ryan Wolff, Leeds, 545 votes


Medic Ryan was winner of The Tab Leeds’ fittest fresher 2015 – despite not being a fresher.

71) Kim Slim, Bristol, 547 votes 


Head of Operations at Burst Radio, Kim is a tech representative on the Society Exec committee. He is an ex-JCR President of Wills Hall. Also he has a really great name.

70) Jaymi Patel, Brookes, 548 votes

jaymi patel

Student travel brand ambassador STA travel.

69) Oliver Whalley, Manchester, 558 votes


Oliver is former President and current Secretary of Manchester University Boat Club. He is often referred to as the most powerful redhead on campus.

68) Mario Martin, Queen Mary, 568 votes


3rd year Law student Mario was men’s first team “Captain’s Player of the Year 2014” during his first year as a Queen Mary student. Mario then went on to captain the first team to their highest ever finish in BUCS history in 2015. English is in fact Mario’s third language, enabling him to include everyone within the club, acting as the glue in a huge and diverse major club. All hail Marz.

67) Harriet Dufton, UCL, 568 votes


Harriet is a Red Bull brand manager and president of the geography society. She also plays in the lacrosse ladies 2nd’s team, and is a member of economics & finance society and women in finance society.

66) Francis Varela, Norwich, 569 votes


Psychology student Francis is the hip-hop choreographer of award winning dances for UEA Royal and LCR’s King of the dance floor. He was Norwich Football Club’s Aviva lemur during their recent match with Arsenal.

65) John Barlow, Bath, 576 votes


Editor in Chief at bathimpact, the SU’s student newspaper. He writes about University of Bath and local politics issues

64) Harris Tzen, Trent, 580 votes


Harris is Trent’s american football the NTU Renegades president. He studies Law at uni.

63) Kate Ovens, Newcastle, 595 votes


Kate professionally eats burgers around the country. Her appetite has gained the interest of Food Bible, LadBible, Capital FM and even The Tab.

61) Tom Hilton, Exeter, 600 votes

tom hilton

Tom, is manager at Hijacked Festival, owner & founder at Up And Coming Exeter and is owner & founder of PHAT. He also studies Accounting and Finance at Exeter.

60) Nick Hampson, Oxford, 601 votes


Musician and entrepreneur Nick currently studies Musicology and is Founder of Vulture Sessions, an arts platform connecting students and Universities all over the world.

59) Michael Hetherington, Norwich, 604 votes


Michael is UEA cricket club’s social sec.

58) Joe Clark, Norwich, 627 votes


Promotions manager Joe is known on campus for promoting Afterdark. He is also a member of business, economics, lacrosse and amnesty international societies.

57) Grace Youell, Bristol, 630 votes


Grace is club president of Bristol University’s basketball club and she studies Politics and International Relations.

56) Sarah Howden, Strathclyde, 646 votes

sarah howden

Maths and Physics student Sarah Howden is President of the Snowsports society.

55) Joe Porter, Exeter, 651 votes


He is Engineers rugby social sec, former Biology SocialSec and he boasts a sub-2 second bolt. Wherever people go, people notice him and this is aided by his strong ties to Unit 1 and his work with Original Sin.

54) Brendan McCarthy, Leeds, 656 votes


Law student Brendan is president of Leeds’ Law society.

53) Ben Kohler, Loughborough, 679 votes


Water Polo team captain Ben is a final year Sport and Exercise Science student.

52) Rory Kirkman, UWE, 668 votes


Psychology and Criminology student Rory rose to prominence after it was revealed he had an equation formula tattooed on his bum after failing his Maths AS.

51) Ragav Manimaran, UCL, 675 votes


Medic Ragav is president UCL entrepreneurs society. He is also co-founder of Kickstart London, the first cross-university, student-run entrepreneurship programme with the aim of creating a truly connected community of student entrepreneurs.

50) Sean Harding-Smith, Nottingham, 682 votes


Sean studies Business and Managerial Economics, he is a brand ambassador for Virgin Media and he is president of University of Nottingham snowsports club.

49) Amber-May Ellis, Reading, 688 votes


Theatre Arts, Education and Deaf Studies third year Amber-May famously got a tattoo of Ian Beale on her leg.

48) Aidan Gracey, Sussex, 689 votes


Aiden studies Marketing at Sussex and is the president of the Business society.

47) Callum Harris, Liverpool, 689 votes


2nd year Computer Science student, Callum is President of Compsoc and he plays Quarterback for the American Football team.

46) Temi Fatona, Cardiff, 689 votes


Temi studies Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff and she is social sec of the journalism society.

45) Diane Duke, Leicester, 692 votes


Diane is president & founder of Leicester’s Nigerian society. She is also a member of the African Caribbean society, BAME Network and Pillars society.

44) Jack Tranter, Nottingham, 708 votes

jack tranter

Jack studies Financial Management and he is president of Nottingham mens hockey. He has also been involved in the mixed lacrosse team, the squash team, the allotment society and the poker society.

43) Laith Luay, Royal Holloway 727 votes

laith luay

Final year Laith has only missed three SU nights this year. He studies Management and was recently interviewed by The Tab.

42) Sandy Downs, Oxford, 728 votes

sandydownsPPE finalist Sandy is a LGBTQ rep, OUSU vice president and is president of equal opportunities group.

41) Hannah Forbes, Bath, 738 votes


Bath Snowsports president. She studies Mechanical Engineering and she is ex-social sec of the Bath lifesaving club.

40) Digby Walker, Durham, 740 votes

digby walker

Digby was awarded the title of The Tab Durham’s most eligible bachelor in 2015 and he studies Environmental Geoscience at university.

39) Laura Hendry, Edinburgh, 750 votes


Social secretary of Edinburgh Snowsports Club, and is busy organising the 500-member socials in Edinburgh. She is also Edinburgh’s brand ambassador for Spotify, so she is a big deal.

38) Jonathon Batchelor, York, 752 votes


3rd Year Economics Student Jonathan occasionally goes to the gym and he is an all-round good egg.

37) Gurjeevan Sekhon, Warwick, 753 votes


Gurjeevan studies Mechanical Engineering and is president of Warwick’s asian society, largest cultural society on campus with over 1900 members.

36) Peter Morrison, Edinburgh, 754 votes 


Peter is Edinburgh’s ski sports club president and won 8th place in the BUCS men’s ski slalom in November.

35) Paddy Mortimer, Edinburgh, 759 votes


Not satisfied with being captains of Edinburgh University Association Ffootball club, Paddy also works for On-Campus Promotions.

34) Joe Christie, Edinburgh, 759 votes


Joe is the Bedlam Theatre’s president, the only entirely student-led theatre in Edinburgh.

33) Dolly Ogunrinde, Norwich, 765 votes


Politics and Economics student Dolly ran the NEVER OK Campaign, and organised the campaign to have UEA sell tax-free tampons, making it the first uni in the country to do so.

32) Ben Jeffries, Bath, 765 votes

ben jeffries

Ben owns a company called Influencer who works with the likes of Ronaldinho, he’s on BBA and part of the rugby team.

31) Hannah Campbell, Edinburgh, 768 votes


Known to all as ‘Big Love Hannah’, a fourth year Languages student at The University of Edinburgh, she ran the 750 strong EUSSC ski trip to Alpe d’Huez in January and is responsible for the creation of ‘Le Grand Fromage’, the Alpine debut of the universally-loved Big Cheese! Loves glitter and cups of tea.

30) Sus Burn, Edinburgh, 796 votes


Sassy Sus is Edinburgh’s lacrosse social sec. Don’t cross her in the field.

29) James Conville, Leeds, 808 votes

james conville

Medic James is president at Leeds’ trading and investment society. He is also a brand ambassador for NexChange.

28) Vivienne Lazib, Warwick, 812 votes


Vivienne studies PPE and is captain of the Mixed Netball team.

27) Michael Dicks, Durham, 819 votes

Economist Mickey is Champagne Society President and helped to organise the famous Champagne Soc Balls. He is also taking part in a 11,000 mile drive from England to Mongolia this summer.

26) Sam Clutterbuck, Edinburgh, 828 votes

sam clutterbuck
With huge involvement in promoting Flare Why Not Mondays and Garibaldis, Sam is also a bit of a heartthrob. You will see him strutting his stuff down the catwalk at ECFS Fashion Show next month.

25) Nick Deacon, Norwich, 857 votes


First year History student Nick was featured in a Tab article for planning to run the London marathon despite suffering from severe asthma all his life.

24) Dan Wernberg, Bristol, 861 votes

dan wernberg
Maths student Dan is known on campus as Da Wernbergler. He organised the most attended student political event of the decade thus far and is often a guest speaker at other universities. He organised a grime night called RealTalk back in 2014 and challenged house music’s hegemony.

23) Polly Bartlett, Manchester, 924 votes
polly barlett
Vice-chair of the University of Manchester Musical Theatre Society Polly is a third year Music and Drama student. She is also station manager of the University’s television channel and head of development at the National Student Television Association.

22) Guyan Ratnavel, Bristol, 992 votes

guyan ratnavel
Guyan has his own Facebook appreciation society with over 350 members

21) Sulagna Roy, Southampton, over 1000 votes
sulagna roy
Had a bouncer and guest list for her party.

20) Ross Aveyard, Norwich, over 1000 votes
ross aveyard
Ross is president of the UEA Pirates american football club and is also a member of BioSoc.

19) Shaheer Khan, Southampton, 1100
shaheer khan
The big name of Cake Decorating Society and part of cheerleading too.

18) Maudy Ayunda, Oxford, over 1100 votes
PPE student Maudy is a singer/songwriter. She has 4.5 million followers on Instagram and 1.3 followers on Twitter.

17) Shourya Khanna, Manchester, over 1100 votes
Shourya Khanna
Studying International Business at MBS, Shourya is not only in the core committee of three important societies of the university, the Bright Futures, Indian Society of Manchester and the IBFE society but is also student ambassador for the uni, the Business School, Virgin Media and Career Interactive.

16) Nicole Analise Cox, Loughborough, over 1100 votes
nicole analise
Product Design Engineer Nicole won Miss Glamorous Beauty Teen UK, beating 14 other girls to the title.

15) OBrien Alaribe, Leeds, over 1100 votes
Obrien ALaribe
OBrien a.k.a OBreazy is a promising entrepreneur and first class student. He has recently built a social networking app for students called which gives students ticket information for their favourite nights and allows them to share their night life experience with other students on campus and in their city.

14) Christina Feng, Birmingham, over 1100 votes
Law student, The Tab’s BNOC of 2015, presenter at Burn FM, Bertrum the Bull, head of marketing for The Tab Birmingham, Christina’s list is endless.

13) Ally Wilsdon, Southampton, over 1200 votes
The biggest name in Biology.

12) Ka Yan Ly, Warwick, over 1300 votes
Ka Yan Ly
Know for dropping the hottest mixtape of 2015 and for flooding his fumehood during labs on a regular basis.

11) Christian McCaffery, Warwick, over 1300 votes
Christian is Warwick’s senior men’s captain for rowing this year.

10) Jack Rowson, Sheffield, over 1400 votes
Second year History student Jack is Sheffield rugby league men’s 1st club captain.

9) Holly Anderson, Liverpool, over 1400 votes
Final year Ancient History student Holly is club captain of the hockey team for Liverpool. She is also part of the ancient history, classics and Egyptology society.

8) Emmanuel Ayoola, Birmingham, over 1400 votes
Emmanuel Ayoola
Chemical Engineering student Emmanuel is the President of the African Caribbean Society.

7) Gareth Miller, Birmingham, over 1500 votes
Final year Gareth is co-president of Brumski.

6) Ben Barwell, Liverpool, over 1600 votes
Ben BArwell
Economics student Ben is on the member of trustees for the Leon Barwell Foundation and he is president of Liverpool’s rugby union team.

5) Tala Abi Esber, Warwick, over 1700 votes
Tala Abi
Economics 3rd year student Tala started the first Fashion and Arts Society for a Cause (LINE) which has over 1k followers on both Facebook and Instagram in just 1 year.

4) Robbie Travers, Edinburgh, over 1800 votes
Robbie came second in The Tab Edinburgh’s BNOC of the year in 2015. He has two phones, one for business and one for pleasure.

3) Kyri Drou, Birmingham, over 1800 votes
Kyri Drou
Promoter extraordinaire and DJ Kyri can most often be found at Mechu.

2) Emily Aboud, Edinburgh, over 2000 votes
She has directed two sell-out Bedlam plays: Equus and The Pillowman and is directing Spring Awakening at this year’s Fringe Festival. Emily is the Publicity Manager of EUSOG and Filmographer of the Design Society.

1) Hector Janse Van Rensburg, York, over 4000 votes
PPE student Hector is a big internet personality because of his watercolour paintings and illustrations. Well known on Reddit, he also has a Wikipedia page. He goes by the name ‘Shitty Watercolour’ and his portrait of Obama was published on the President’s official Tumblr and on various news websites, including CNN. He was named as one of the most influential Redditors in history by Business Insider.