Confessions: What are your dating horror stories?

‘My dress was white and his drink was very red’

Most first dates usually involve awkward eye contact, clammy hands and a random conversation about your mutual friends. 

Some people hit it off on a date, others don’t. You never know if your date is leaning in for a first kiss or if they’re reaching for their coat. A lot of dates will be so awkward you’ll wish you’d just gone out with your friends instead. With INSTNT Dating you’ll never experience FOMO or an awkward date again.

We asked you for your dating horror stories and for all of the awkward moments you’ve gone through.

Maria, 23, Film Production

I went on a Tinder date with a guy who had beautiful photos of him as a model in his 20s as his profile.

I turned up and no one was there so I waited for about 10 minutes before a guy comes up to me and thank god he came up to me because I would not have been able to recognise him.

Those photos were from his early 20s and he was at least 28, or 30, and eight years make a very big difference.

He no longer looked like a model and he had a huge scar down his cheek that definitely wasn’t in the photos.

Age before beauty.

Ella, 22, Sales

I went on a date with a guy who asked me out on a bus, it turned out he was almost 20 years older than me.

Public transport isn’t the most romantic of meeting spots.

Max, 20, studying at Brunel


I had the runs on a date before. You know when a meal doesn’t sit well. You just need to realise your limits, when you’re in a relationship your limits are obvious – me and my girlfriend now poo with the door open all the time. But on a date you can’t do that, you have to say you need to make a phone call or that your mates just got beaten up, so you can run to the toilet.

That’s pretty grim, Max. 

Ellie, first year, Geography and Planning


I went for a meal with a guy, before the meal we ordered cocktails. He then went and spilt the whole cocktail down me. My dress was white and his drink was very red, so we left.

Why was he drinking a cocktail in the first place? Get a pint down ya lad. 

Anonymous, London


I don’t have loads of stories myself, but my friends have loads. One guy I know was a 40-year-old virgin and he went speed dating. He came back with so many great things the women said to him like one woman wanting to see his watch and shoes. There was another woman who kept making this weird noise every time she spoke. Apparently, one of them spent the whole five minutes listing her ‘don’ts’.

Just like the film.

Will, first year, History


I thought I’d be really romantic and take this girl to the beach for the day. We got there and the weather was awful. I checked beforehand and it was fine. So we went for a drink and some food, but I didn’t have any cash and the chip on my card had broken – she ended up paying for everything and then she got sick. The worst thing was that I hadn’t looked up nice places to go beforehand, so the pub we went to ended up being a Spoons. We didn’t go on another date after that.

Lucky gal. He knows how to treat a girl. 

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Liv, first year, Planning


We went to Burger and Lobster in London. They don’t serve the meal on a plate in there, it’s on a tray-type thing. I went to dig in and I stabbed my fork into the tray too hard and the entire meal spilt all over me. He gave me his garlic butter so I didn’t go hungry.

Garlic butter? What a generous guy. Hope he gave you some soft mints as well. 

Rachel, first year, Planning


I was once got a bit too drunk on a date I was on. The guy I was with decided to order a pitcher of Margarita, but then decided he didn’t like it anymore, so I ended up drinking the entire thing.

Who on earth orders a pitcher of Margarita for themselves. Rachel, you were right to get get smashed. 

Priya, second year, Maths


We went to the cinema and it was so awkward. His arm was around my back and it was incredibly uncomfortable. I couldn’t get comfy in my seat because his arm was there. He also kept talking during the film and I just wanted to watch it.

Another time, I was at a restaurant with some guy and I ordered. Then he goes ‘can I share?’ I’m not a sharing person.

The classic yawn-behind-the-back move. 

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Tim, third year exchange from Germany


I took a girl to the movies. We were making out and it got pretty intense, so intense we were told to calm down by the people around us in the cinema.

No one wants to be a witness to that. 

Ana, second year, Bio-medicine


It was my birthday and my mum came up to Newcastle for the night. We were at pre-drinks and my flatmate spent the whole of pres talking to her. After the night he even walked my mum to her hotel and asked if she would be up for breakfast the next morning.

When your mum has more game than you. 

Valentina, first year, Modern Languages


I haven’t had any shockers myself, but a guy I know was talking to girl on Tinder and she invited him round to his house. It turned out the girl was actually a guy, apparently he still got asked if my friend would like to come in.

Sometimes you get lucky.

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Julian, second year, Bio-medicine


I was basically all prepped to go on a date with this girl and I was really looking forward to it. Then on the day of the date she pied me off, saying she had a boyfriend. I asked if she still fancied it but she wasn’t keen.

Julian, you deserved to be pied off. 

Suhn, first year, War Studies


I went to the cinema with a girl and I dropped my popcorn everywhere before the film had even started.

Go on, pick it up off of the floor. Nobody noticed.

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