How to get laid at a festival this summer

Your tent or mine?

We’ve all been walking back from the main stage and heard strange noises coming from certain tents. You can’t help but wonder how it’s possible to hook up with a stranger when your shower has been replaced with dry shampoo and deodorant for the past 48 hours.

But what if there was a way to enhance your game? Prelinks is the app that allows you to match and chat with people going to the same events this summer – taking the pressure off awkward introductory chit chat.

Whether you’re going with one mate or a group of six, match and chat to others going to the same festival as you 

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We asked for your best tips on how to hook up at festivals this summer:

Laura Fitzpatrick, finalist, Manchester


“Be a DJ – I tend to go for people with lots of glitter and great outfits that I could borrow. Prelinks sounds perfect for when only half the squad turn up and you’re looking for some more bants at a festival.”

Callum McCulloch, second year, York


“Don’t get sunburnt as a sweaty romp in a tent when your skin feels on fire is not a pleasant experience. Definitely have things to say about the music. If you find yourself asking: “who is B2B and why is he DJing everywhere” – you aren’t going to get any.”

“I always go for girls with nose rings who have clearly spent ages on their glitter and Prelinks gives me a chance of making sure I don’t die alone, so I’m happy!”

Meet people like Laura and Callum, match and chat to people going to the same festivals as you with Prelinks

Download Prelinks now

Oriel Wells, finalist, Durham


“Rule one, and the only rule you need to know, is if it’s going to happen, it’s got to happen within the first 24 hours. Any later and you’re the victim of sloppy seconds or thirsty thirds. Also throw on as much glitter as possible, gargle with Listerine, and ask a hot guy for a lift on his shoulders. Once you’ve got his head between your thighs, it’s guaranteed to be back there later.

“Festivals are so big that you only ever get to see a tiny percentage of the people who are there, so Prelinks sounds like a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on the best people.”

Bella Eckert, graduate, Newcastle


“I haven’t done it myself but if you were to try to get laid my advice would be to go for a friend-of-a-friend. Festivals are packed full of friendship groups and you’re bound to find a hottie. 

“Prelinks is great for festivals because you can scout out the talent before you’ve even arrived and even chat to organise a quick afternoon bev.”

Connect with people going to the same festivals as you before the big event

Download Prelinks now

Sam Overton, graduate, Nottingham


“Peacock-ing – you’ve got to stand out from the crowd. Personally I’d go for a hat that is too big for your head. I’ve been wearing a big green beanie for years and I’ve been unstoppable ever since.

“I like to meet loads of different types of people. Festivals provide flavours from far and wide, as long as they’re up for a laugh and some fun I’m not fussy – beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

“I think going to festivals is actually one of the best ways to meet like-minded people and it’s how I’ve met some of my best friends. I think Prelinks provides a great platform for making a connection through your music taste which for me, is sometimes half the battle.”

Match and chat to people like Sam and Bella going to the same festival as you

Download Prelinks now