Every excuse you’ve heard from your friends for not paying up

‘Sorry mate, I’ve only got a fiver on me’

Whether it’s paying the house electricity bill or for a round of jägerbombs – we’ve all got a friend who always has a terrible excuse for not paying up.

Maybe they’ve left their wallet behind or are they just plain stingy. Eventually getting the money off of them can be a long and time-consuming process.

Circle is a payment app changing the way you can send money to your friends and family. The app is removing the hassle of sending and receiving money from your mates, by making payments as quick as a text or email.

We went onto campus to see how far people will really go to avoid coughing up.

Don’t be known as the person who never pays back

Download Circle Pay now

Levi, first year, Law


A friend used the money I leant him as a deposit on a tattoo and the only way for me to get the money back was for me to get one.

I really didn’t want to lose the money, so I got a tattoo on my arse.

Do you want to take a look?


Jack, first year, Drama


I’m usually pretty good at paying people back. My problem is just paying my friends can take so long.

I’m so bad at it, I’ll be talking to the bank to get into my online banking – they walk me through that – then you have to log into mobile banking.

Takes me an hour to send ten pounds!

Oriel Wells, third year, English

I owe my friend eight pounds because we went halves on a Snorlax cap.

I kept telling her there was no way I could transfer the money because I’d lost my bank machine thingy.

Even when your friends give you lame excuses Circle lets you remind people to cough up through messages, GIFs and emojis.

You no longer have to spend weeks chasing your flatmates for the ‘fiver from the other night,’ as you can send them requests and reminders through the app.


You can talk with your friends on the app, organising bills or paying them back for last night


You can split the bills on Circle using GIFs, emojis and images

There’s no need for you to leave pass-agg notes on the fridge anymore

Download Circle Pay now

 Emma and Nanna, second year, Business Management


‘I forgot’ is probably the most common OR it’s the bank’s fault. Always blame the bank. You say: ‘The transfer is slow.’

We live together but there’s a third girl in our flat who is always slow to pay her rent. She blames it on the banking issues but I’m with the same bank and it never happens to me. So yeah, always blame the bank and technical issues.

Alexia, first year, International Relations


I’m usually pretty good but at the start of the year I lied to my parents saying I needed £200 to buy a load of textbooks for my exams.

Ollie Clink, second year, English

Our monthly bill for Wi-Fi is £8.90 and paying it can be so slow and annoying.

You have to go online every time to pay it – doing it off a phone would be so much easier.

Kirsty, Hayley and the women’s footballers



I hate it when it’s awkward and a friend owes you money – one friend always promises but never pays.

She says she’ll pay and two weeks later I’ve still not been paid back.


To get away with it, I’d ignore them and probably block them on social media – quietly hoping they’ll forget.


My ‘go to’ is saying I left my purse at home or I forgot about it completely.

Lizzie, graduate, English


I’m pretty good at paying people back. But there are times when your mates hold tiny amounts against you, like 70p for a packet of crisps.

Or when they say you never paid them back for something when you know you did – that’s always really awkward.

Whether it’s ‘banking problems’ or a trip to the tattoo parlour, getting money off of your friends and paying them back can be a huge hassle.

Circle have taken away the trouble of sending and receiving payments from your friends and family by making sharing money as simple as sharing music.

You’ve got no excuses for not paying your friends back

Download Circle Pay now


You can send money as easily as a text or email, Download Circle Pay now

Download Circle Pay now