You can now take a test matching you to your ideal job after uni

‘Once you’re matched, a single click can arrange an interview’

According to the advisory firm CEB, one in four graduates leave their first job within 12 months of starting. Why?

Most graduates have a vast number of options available for their first ‘proper’ job, but minimal experience of the corporate world and no idea which of their multiple options will suit them best.    

This is where happywork comes in. Created by a small team from UCL, happywork uses robust Occupational Science to profile and match graduates to their ideal job after uni.

Use happywork to find the right job after uni


University career services and job sites can suggest what job titles might suit your degree. However, companies all have their own ways of doing things.

To save you endless hours of research, happywork creates a unique report based on your personality type and skill set, and matches you to the requirements for a range of graduate employers.

Once you have completed the 60 minute sign-up process and viewed your job matches, a single click can arrange an interview.

Find the right graduate job for you with happywork

Find the right graduate job for you with happywork

Oliver, a Psychology graduate now working for a branding agency, knows only too well how hard it is to get a job you love.

He said: “Once I graduated I interned for six months before I found a job. A lot of recruiters put me forward for jobs, and when I got to the interviews I realised they just weren’t for me, immediately. It was always so frustrating.

“I would spend hours preparing for it, for it to turn out that I didn’t want that sort of job. It was very frustrating.”

We spoke to happywork’s founder – Harry Warren – who said:

“Essentially it’s matchmaking. The three scientifically valid tests measure a broad range of personality traits, as well as how the candidate reads, listens and works with numbers.

“Their profile is then matched to the employer’s ideal candidate for a range of available graduate roles.”

Harry and the team at happywork have been working hard to design a service that makes hunting for a job a lot easier.

Use happywork to find the right job after uni

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