Smithdown Road to Bagot Street: A guide on where to live in Liverpool

As long as you’re not in Kensington, you’re OK

There’s a reason Liverpool was voted the cultural capital of Europe in 2008. Whether it’s our unrivalled nights out, the abundant shopping or the notoriety of Smithdown – our glorious city has it all.

From the thriving streets of Langdale to the silent streets of Kensington, where you live in second and third year will determine how fun your remaining years of uni will be.


As you house hunt in Liverpool with your friends, you’ll be hit by a variety of thoughts and feelings: do I want to live in a fun area? How much work do I have to do next year to scrape a 2:1? Are my neighbours going to be friendly?

Here are the main roads all of you should consider living on in your second and third years:

Check out these unbelievable student houses in Liverpool with Student Cribs


Smithdown Road

Student Cribs have a seven bed house on Smithdown Road. Check it out!

Student Cribs have a seven bed house on Smithdown Road. Check it out!

Most roads on the list lead off Smithdown – it’s the heart of Liverpool’s student population. Even if you live on Ferndale, you still say you’re house is in Smithdown. Smithdown and its surrounding streets form a student empire of sorts, complete with ASDA, Aldi, and a myriad of takeaways (try Friends for a banging kebab with a naan made as you watch). It’s all you’ll ever need from your term time home.

Distance from the SJ: 31 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 16 minute walk


Fancy a house on Smithdown Road? Visit Student Cribs for more

Barrington Road

If you study a general degree like English or Business, you’ll feel out of place among all of the lawyers on Barrington. It’s one of the few roads with yellow-brick houses, which just makes it feel nicer. The yellow houses are complimented by Barrington’s reputation for luxurious banquets. 

Distance from the SJ: 35 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 15 minute walk

Langdale Road

Student Cribs have a six bedroom house on Langdale Road. Check it out!

Student Cribs have a six bedroom house on Langdale Road. Check it out!

From No.1 to No.89, most of the fun happens on Langdale. This road is a haven for those who want to avoid doing work at all costs and of course you can only get a contract if you can prove you own a non-ironic bucket hat.

Distance from the SJ: 39 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 18 minute walk


Have a fun second and third year house Langdale with Student Cribs 

Garmoyle Road

The street unites all students together in one drunken mess – walk down this street at night and you’ll bump into at least five groups of friends heading to a pre-drinks. It’s like Smithdown Road, but less noise and more lost heels and empty takeaway containers. The community cafe on the corner of Avondale is the quirkiest place around.

Distance from the SJ: 38 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 18 minute walk

Avondale Road

One of the least vibey places in Liverpool, if you choose to live on Avondale you’ve already cashed in your pension and have probably booked a package holiday to Tenerife for you and your marital partner of 50 years.

Distance from the SJ: 37 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 17 minute walk

Brookdale Road

The most average road on Smithdown. You probably wear a pale blue rain jacket and trainers circa 2005 when you walk to uni. You get books out the library to read for pleasure. 

Distance from the SJ: 37 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 18 minute walk

Bagot Street


Student Cribs have two houses on Bagot Street. Check them out!

What’s not to love, you’re really close to ALDI. Say hello to steak tartare and caviar, you’ve got a term of luxury ahead of you as you indulge in it’s bargain greatness. 

Distance from the SJ: 31 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 17 minute walk


Love ALDI? Book a viewing on Bagot Street with Student Cribs

Lidderdale Road

Langdale’s less cool little brother. Half the size and half as interesting. You’re just a wannabe.

Distance from the SJ: 40 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 18 minute walk

Arundel Avenue


Distance from the SJ: 33 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 22 minute walk

Ullet Road

Ullet Road is a lot more peaceful than Smithdown, which is probably due to the number of pensioners residing in this area of town. Like Kensington, this road is far away from a lot of the fun because of its isolation from other students. Don’t worry though, one of the locals could lend you their mobility scooter to get to the fun in Smithdown.

Distance from the SJ: 32 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 31 minute walk

Borrowdale Road

Student Cribs have a six bedroom property on Borrowdale Road. Check it out!

Student Cribs have a six bedroom property on Borrowdale Road. Check it out!

Borrowdale Road is the sparkling jewel in Smithdown’s crown. It’s not got the Hollywood name that freshers go on about, but it still has all of the glory with pres a regular feature of the street. 

Distance from the SJ: 39 minute walk

Distance from the high street: 19 minute walk


Borrowdale is for you. Book a house viewing with Student Cribs


Kensington is relatively quiet as it’s further away from pre-drinks. It is home to all of the essentials though – takeaways, shops and supermarkets. You’ll just have to accept that travelling to Smithdown will become the norm. Thank god for 24-hour buses.

Distance from the SJ: 16 minute walk

Distance from the the high street: 36 minute walk

Houses in Liverpool are going fast

Check out these unreal houses with Student Cribs

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