How to decorate your room to fit your Newcastle stereotype

There’s more to it than fairy lights

Moving into a new place is a big deal and just because you’re on a student budget doesn’t mean you can’t make your room feel like home. It’s where you’ll be spending most of your time so you want to enjoy being there, and bare walls suggest a personality as devoid of fun as them.

Here’s our guide to decorating your bedroom to reflect the very nuance of your existence – your stereotype.

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The Surrey Girl

You’ve moved on from the safety of Castle Leazes and into the big wide world of second year accommodation, where you’re almost definitely living with other Surrey girls. You will of course be a regular at Tup Tup and your nights out will be expertly archived through a series of flattering Insta filters taken on your iPhone 7. You’ll spend the next day moaning about your awful hangover as you snuggle up on the sofa in your extra fluffy blanket, but it never lasts long because your Ocado order arrives and brings you your recovery combo of avo and rye bread.

Your room should be filled with all things pastel, from your fluffy blue rug to your dusty pink Reeboks – your aesthetic is undeniably saccharine. Even your yoga mat should match the colour scheme and is key to letting everyone know just how flexible your body is, although you haven’t actually been in months.

A Parisian poster adds just the right amount of wunderlust to the room, suggesting that you love to travel but you’d never go anywhere without public WiFi access.  Pair this with your weekly reading of cultural bible Look magazine and your cute patterned notepad and you’re just about prepared to do a degree.

Straighteners must be easily accessible at all times in case of a blonde hair emergency, as should your animal print make-up bag – stocked to the brim but ready to chuck into your Longchamp tote at any moment.

To avoid homesickness invest in a reed diffuser, preferably from John Lewis, to bring the scent of Surrey to your flat. To add to the comfort everything should always be bathed in the soft glow of fairy lights, whether they’re strung across your shelves to make your folders look extra pretty or around your bed as a kind of landing strip for post Tup Tup visitors.

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The Club Promoter

Your life is a corrupted cycle of Fatboy Slim lyrics: eat, sleep, post about new night on Facebook, rave, repeat. It’s impossible not to feel like the coolest kid on campus when you can’t even get to a lecture without bumping into at least five people you know and every night out is documented by the loyal photographer that follows you around. But you sometimes feel a little empty and occasionally dream about being anonymous, or at least able to enjoy a pre-drinks without having to leave halfway through for deliveries.



You’ll need plenty of furniture for all the mates coming round for pre-night lashes, so invest in a beanbag – it’s easily moveable and can fit two people at a push. Throw an edgy tapestry over the window to show off your style, preferably one you got while travelling. It will give the room a psychedelic colour scheme and block out the light on those painful hungover mornings.

A lava lamp is a must, not only adding to the vibesy lighting but also as a semi-ironic throwback to the 90s when people really knew how to party. Turn it on every time you watch Dazed and Confused for an instant trip back in time.

Obviously you should always have a selection of drinks on show to remind everyone how much you love a night out and spread the joy when you’re hosting pre’s. The posters should also show off your love of the club, either boasting your skill at drinking games or your appreciation of great music that hasn’t been in the charts for at least ten years.  Any remaining wall space should be covered with flyers and posters for the nights you rep.

Dark bed sheets are a great investment as they hide all the stains from the night before, reducing washing frequency by at least 50 per cent. Sling a club night sweater over the back of your chair for extra rep points.

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The Medic

Everyone expects you to be serious because you study medicine and most of the time you are. You attend every one of your endless lectures, basically live in the hospital and have all your notes colour coded in gradient. You’re the parent of the group, always around to clean small grazes and calm people down when NHS self-diagnosis tells them their cold means they have three days left to live. But every now and then the calm, collected exterior is shed and you lose your shit to tunes they’re playing in Tiger Tiger that night. When you go hard, you go hard.


Verging on clinical, your room should reflect the cleanliness and minimalism of a hospital room. Think white sheets paired with bare walls and perfectly organised shelves. An alarm clock should be a key focal point, placed by your bed to ensure you’re awake for every lecture because if you miss even one you’ll probably fail the year.

The weekly wall planner means that you’ll always be aware of just how busy your life is, and exactly how many things you have to fit into your day. Everything on your desk should be neat and set out in parallel lines in case you can’t find a pen and it leads to you having a breakdown.

Like everything in your life, going on a night out is well-planned and structured, so have your ‘night out’ kit always at the ready and within reach. Your life isn’t completely devoid of fun though, which is why you can splash out on the hilarious test tube shot glasses to entertain you and your medic mates. So cool.

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The Arts Student

You’re quietly proud of your degree because it’s pretty sexy as subjects go, so you let it subsume your entire personality. Your room will therefore be filled with not-so-subtle allusions to what you’re studying, whether it be niche literature or historical artefacts. Obviously you’re not confined to only your subject as doing an arts degree means that you’re interested in all aspects of the arts, because you’re open minded and cultured as hell.



Literary and artistic posters grace your walls, novels cover every surface, a themed mug sits atop your desk. There’s basically nothing in your room that doesn’t link in one way or another to the fact you’re an arts student. If it’s not directly related then it should at least be vintage – your Rokit satchel, your 80s denim jacket with cord trim, your grandma’s leather suitcase that she used during the war.

Even your lighting should be artistic, so arrange it in a way that tips its hat to cubism, or pointilism, or one of the other isms.

Obviously your extensive literature collection should be a major focus, so arrange your books vertically rather than horizontally so that they take up more space and it looks like you own even more than you do. It makes you look incredibly well read and this way they can also double as a side table that people can be impressed by.

Don’t forget to have a wide range of notebooks to jot down any sudden inspirations you might have – like song lyrics or alternative history short stories. Pair this with your Diana mini camera with double exposure for your blog and you’re all set.

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