How I survived a soul-destroying 24 hours in the library

Food deliveries saved my life

With deadline season looming, and the days getting shorter and shorter, it’s getting to that point in the semester when all-nighters at the library are swiftly becoming the norm. So, with essays, presentations and the doom and gloom of final year over my head, I have decided to stay at the 24 hour learning commons overnight to get as much done as I possibly can.

I have never taken on such an educational mountain, but the work must be done. So, I bravely endure the task ahead of me, taking the day an hour at a time. In 24 hours, I will come out a new woman. I may lose my mind, but this is the price I must pay for not doing enough work this semester. See you on the other side – the library lock-in is on.

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I’ve set up in the learning commons, I’ve got a good a patch and I’m settled in. My books are out, I’m feeling empowered and ready to take on these dreaded deadlines. Let’s do this.



Yeah, nope, I’m already hungry. I haven’t brought any supplies with me, so I turn to my faithful friend – Deliveroo. My friend has come to join me, but we can’t decide between burritos and pizza. She then reminds me that a great philosopher once said ‘pizza is life’ – so we went with that.

We order a tasty Pizza Express, knowing that we need to carb-load for the long day ahead. Everyone else is definitely very jealous of our cheesy treats, as they should be.



I’m feeling optimistic. Pumped to get my work done, I’ve still got loads of energy and the illusion that it’s going to be a good day.


I was mistaken – this is boring. People are judging me for walking around aimlessly without any shoes on.


After doing a few hours of work, and a whole lot of people watching, I’m starting to get bored, and pretty peckish. It’s a Friday night, so people have started leaving to begin their weekend celebrations. There is no such option for me – I’m in this for the long haul. I’m feeling a tad lonely, but am planning to continue to ignore my work and think about food.




I’ve attempted to create romance, to no avail. Apparently the library isn’t cool enough. Well then NEITHER AM I.



I rang a couple of friends to see if anyone wants to chill with me and have a bite to eat, and eventually I have a taker. My good pal Alice arrived to keep me company, and after a lot of deliberation and some phone calls to check for food allergies, we decide on burgers and hotdogs from Black Dog Ball Room for our dinner.



30 minutes later, and a quick dash out into the rain to collect our food from the Deliveroo rider, we are back in our little study booth feasting on a chilli hot dog, a chicken burger, some fries and a salad. The remaining few people in the learning commons are glaring in our direction with envy and probably annoyance at our loud gossiping.

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Feeling full and satisfied, Alice headed home and left me to my sad pile of work and empty food boxes. I read some of my book, thought about looking over my lecture notes, but I’ve ultimately decided to take a little late evening nap, no judgement please.



I’ve just woken up and I am surprised to see there are still some weekend troopers studying hard around me. Motivated by their fast typing, I get cracking with some research, fuelled by my day of carb loading. I’m feeling inspired.


Mmmm, yep, that didn’t last long. I don’t feel comfortable being in a place of study in the middle of the night at all. I turn to social media for comfort but am merely mocked for my poor choices when all I see are photos of people getting ready for a big Friday night out. Life is not treating me well at this time.


This was the worst idea I’ve ever had. Maybe I should just leave uni and become a stripper. I’ve heard they get a pretty solid income.


I have given up and am now committed to finding videos of dogs doing funny things on the internet.


Update: lots of dogs on the internet


I feel weary now so head to the bathroom with my toothbrush (avoiding the curious stares of those I passed en route), freshen up and settle down for a good night’s sleep. I have a blanket and feel pretty safe in the privacy of my study booth, although the lights are a little bright for my liking. Top tip: if planning on sleeping in the library bring a sleeping mask to block out the fluorescent lights.



I wake up, there is an eery atmosphere. Very few of us remain in the building and I feel as though I am the only one trying to sleep. Should I feel guilty for not working all night? Or should I go home? I decide to go back to sleep.


I woke up and basically crawled to the cafe to grab a coffee. Spurred on by caffeine, I’m going to crack on with work, knowing that the end is in sight. I’m not surprised to see that there are fewer people around me than when I went to sleep. Not everyone can handle the weekend sleepover like this trooper.



As it gets light outside, people start sauntering in. I no longer have as much privacy and am starting to get a little self-conscious about the pile of food containers surrounding me. I do a couple of bin trips and start to think about breakfast.


Why is everyone I know asleep? I need company so I can order breakfast…



All it took was a mere message on the housemates’ group chat to secure a date for breakfast. I’m feeling pretty proud of the work I’ve done, so knowing that one final push is needed, Lois and I order a fry-up from The Font. This is a very good choice indeed. Another top tip: fry-ups travel surprisingly well and I reckon it would be a cracking hangover cure if you ever get the craving and have an empty fridge.

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I have been here for  SO LONG. I would like to leave now please. Claustrophobia is setting in.


It is finally time to go home. I am in need of an actual bed and can no longer stand the sight of the books I’m reading.


Has it been a successful 24 hours? Yes, I believe so. I’ve taken off a lot of work pressure, and eaten a lot of tasty food. I even had some good company for a while. Not a bad option if you’re sick of trekking from Fallowfield to campus and back between study sessions.

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