This test will tell you which grad job you really belong in

How else are you going to spend that spare 15 minutes?

Remember that episode of Friends where Chandler has a mid-20s life crisis, quits his job and takes a job aptitude test only to find that his perfect job is the one he’s just quit? Yeah, that.

Getting a grad job is easily one of the most stressful parts of third year and turns an otherwise happy house into a nest of jealous vipers spending all day comparing interview feedback and starting salaries. It’s a race to the top, or a slide to a life of crushing inferiority, and getting a job can feel completely impossible.

Stressed about finding a job after uni? 

Click here to take the test and resolve all your worries

It’s made harder as most of us don’t even know what we want to do in the future, or if we do know our dream career, we have absolutely no idea where to find it.

We may know we want a well-paid desk job at a prestigious company that really cares about its employees’ work-life balance, but that doesn’t mean we have a clue which companies fit that criteria.

Research has found that a third of people quit their job within the first six months, showing a massive gap between what people think a company’s going to be like and the reality.

It’s basically impossible to know the environment of a company unless you work there or are willing to spend every evening at home scrawling through online threads describing the quality of the desk chairs and how “out of hand” the office Christmas party gets.

That’s where the Universum career test can help.

They ask a series of in-depth questions about you and your ideal career to create a clear sense of the type of company you should be working for. They then provide you with a list of employers that best suit your personality and the kind of environment you want to work in.

Any career test can show you the type of career you’d enjoy, but if you’re doing an economics degree and interned at Deutsche Bank last summer then telling you you’d suit a job in finance isn’t exactly prophetic. What makes Universum’s test superior is it gives you a list of actual companies that fit what you’re looking for, whether it’s because of their work ethic, an entrepreneurial environment or good pay.



Fed up of your parents asking if you’re employed yet? 

Find a company they’ll be proud to namedrop to their friends

When asked what makes them different, Universum said, “We ask thought-provoking questions about what students want from their careers and offer them comparisons to others in their field of study. We then provide an extensive list of potential employers that fit students preferences that they might not have considered.”

It sorts you into one of seven career types, much like the Hogwarts process but without a Great Hall full of people judging you as it happens. You could be anything from a future-orientated Careerist to a chakra aligned Harmoniser, or a mix of a few. These career types are used to show you what kind of work environment you’re best suited to so you can pin point your search for the dream job.

The test even shows you how your salary expectations match up to those of your peers, so you can see how realistic your dream lifestyle is.

For a limited time only, take the test and be entered into the draw to win a £10 amazon voucher. 



You deserve a job you love

Universum career tests are focused on finding you the right job for you

Click here to take the test
