You can now get tickets to all the big nights in Notts on Prelinks

The revolution has come

No one wants to be sitting at home trawling through photos of last Friday’s massive night and wondering why they’re the only one who didn’t have a ticket. While everyone else was having the night of their lives you spent the evening re-watching old episodes of Love Island – no new profile pic for you.

You’ve heard of Prelinks before, and this term for the first time you can get tickets to the best events going on in Notts through the app so you never miss out again.

Want to find the best nights happening in your city? 

Download Prelinks to find them

Once you’ve clicked attending on an event you can grab your tickets, see how many people are heading down and find other students who love the same nights as you. Whether you’re looking to chat about music or find someone to throw great shapes with, Prelinks has got you covered.

Prelinks has put everything you need to sort your night out from start to finish in one place.

Find nights, buy tickets and see who’s going

Download Prelinks now

We spoke to some of Nottingham’s BNOCs about their experience of using Prelinks.

Seb Williams

“I’ve spoken to loads of people who wanted to see tickets on Prelinks – it’s so convenient being able to sort your whole night out in one place – it makes the process of going out much smoother, and once your mates know you’ve bought a ticket they can all jump on board too.

“Prelinks is a great way for students to find out about all the nights happening in Nottingham, especially the one off events that are harder to find.

“On Sunday night you can lie there thinking, “what am I going to do this week, I don’t want to go to Crisis again” and go find a more individual night you’ll have more fun at.

“It’s a lot easier to get all your mates on board if you can see who else is going. I’m a lot more likely to go to a night if I know the crowd who will be there.”

Don’t wait till Monday to find out about last Friday’s party

Download Prelinks and always be the first to know

Yael Mann, First Year, Business Management and Marketing

“When you join an event you can get chatting about it and see how busy it will be. I like being able to compare which nights are busier. For example, on a Wednesday there’s Crisis or there’s Ocean and it’s great to see which has more of my friends going so I know which night to get tickets for.

“I love the trending update that lets you see which events people are going to.

“Nottingham always has new people playing their nights. Sometimes I haven’t got a clue what’s going on, so having Prelinks to show me who’s playing and any special events that are on is really helpful.

“Sometimes in Notts you have to queue from 8:30 for a night if it’s sold out. The ticketing update will make nights out so much easier. Now I won’t have to struggle to find tickets – I can just get them through Prelinks.”

Prelinks make your nights out so much better

Find new nights, buy tickets and see exactly who’s going, all in one place

Click here to download Prelinks now

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