You told us about the most heartwarming random acts of kindness at uni

“Excuse me, you’ve got some toilet roll stuck on your shoe.”

Some people would probably say the world right now is not in a great place. Brexit is definitely happening, global warming is still a thing, turns out clean eating is not that good for you and then there’s this new guy running a pretty important country.

But hey, hey, it’s not all that bad. There are definitely some good people out there. Those who rescue baby turtles from getting run over, or who pay for your supermarket shopping when you forget your wallet, or use social media to get a little girl’s lost teddy back into her arms.

I’m not crying, you are.

Yes, there’s definitely some good left out there – we partnered up with Circle to ask students what’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for them.

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Lowri Herbert, third year, Communication Studies

“I was out shopping and all of a sudden really needed to go to the loo. I ran into Marks and Spencers where there was a huge queue and I started to panic. The people lined up obviously saw me struggling and allowed me to go before everyone else – I could tell they were concerned for my welfare.”

Alex Bagnall, second year, Computer Science

“I was really lost in the city centre and my phone’s battery had died. Thankfully, a homeless man gave me directions, without even asking for any kind of repayment.”

Did you know February is Random Acts of Kindness month? 
Enter Circle’s competition here with the chance of winning £100 for you and your favourite cause

Marisa Dervish, third year, English and Communication

“I only had a fiver left and the taxi driver let me off £2.70 because I was going home by myself and he wanted me to get in safely.”

Connie Compton Stewart, second year, German and Music

“I was crying at a bus stop about breaking up with my boyfriend and a girl came and sat with me. She comforted me by giving me chicken nuggets.”

Take out the awkwardness of sending money back to your friends 
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Elinor Rice, third year, Communication Studies

“After a really long week, I went to work and left my phone in a taxi. After a few frantic phone calls it turned out the driver had already dropped it back at my house as soon as he had realised. Legend.”

Seth Mackie, third year, Psychology

“I dropped my wallet with all my stuff in and someone made the effort to get it back to me – what’s even better is the fact everything was still in it. Down to the last fiver.”

What random act of kindness have you done today? 
Enter Circle’s competition win the chance to win £100 for yourself and your charity of choice

Sean Turner, SU President

“I was in a cab home from town when someone collapsed outside. The taxi driver stopped, jumped out and sorted the guy out. He rung an ambulance and waited until it got there and then even gave me a ride home.”

Beth Riley, third year, Archaeology and Ancient History

“A girl told me I had toilet paper on my shoe when I was leaving the library toilets. What an angel.”

Max Baker, History and English, third year

“I was in a shop picking some things up. When I went to pay for everything on my card, it turned out to be cash only. Luckily, they kindly offered me an IOU to pay later. How nice was that?”

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