VOTE: Which is the best block in Caley?

Every vote counts

What’s the point in having halls across various locations when Caley can offer one hall with different blocks almost as big as the campus itself? Caley Court is a 2 minute walk from the uni which is always handy if you are running late or have a habit of sleeping in, and of course the hub where you can bump into everyone you’ve ever met.

Despite looking completely identical, each block has its own personality that either makes or breaks your Freshers experience.

We’ve brought the highlights of every block in Caley Court to finally find out which is truly the best.

Which deserves your vote?


On their way to the cloob

They live and breathe for the rhythm.

Harris are the music junkies of Caley, with their constant playing of Spotify’s Discover section at full volume. They’re awake till the early hours pretending to play the guitar or making fresh mixes on their mac for their next techno nouveau gig at the SA.

They exclusively wear band t-shirts, have three electric guitars even though they don’t play and will always turn anything serious you’re trying to say into a song. It’s really annoying.

Stephanie from the Harris block says: “It’s refreshing to discover other people’s style, although the constant competition to play your tunes as loud as you can really bugs me. However, there’s a rumour someone got signed with a big production company because of their DJing talent”

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It’s another movie night in for Kelso

You know Kelso? No? Doesn’t ring a bell?

It’s probably because they’re the most reserved, quiet group of people you’re ever going to have the awkward experience of meeting in your life. Some would say boring – others would kindly call them shy.

One good thing about Kelso is you can be sure there’s no drama happening – because nothing ever happens. Its residents live in their own little world, isolated from the terrors and miseries of the outside by a thick layer of beige cotton wool.

Katie who lives in this block said: “The quiet life is always the comfortable life. We know how to have fun – with indoor cinemas nights and board games.  And I can’t forget that we have bake-offs and host dinner parties.”

Union State’s flats have a newly refurbished film room

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Ain’t no party like an apple sourz party

It’s the third rule of Einstein’s theorem – for every set of uni halls there must be a block dedicated to parties. Portree lives for the sesh and is by far the messiest block in the whole of Caley. It’s amazing the amount of damage you can do to a kitchen with two table tennis paddles and some shots of tequila.

Lewis from Portree says: “My parties couldn’t happen without the people in this block. I may have a broken toilet, half of my stuff has gone missing and I’m always getting fined for the state of my “kitchen”, but the party will always be there.”

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Matching kits. Obviously.

Glen – otherwise known as leg day central. The majority of their days will be spent in the gym, competing with each other over who can benchpress the most protein shakes. Their rooms are filled with Adidas hoodies and Nike runners, and the closest they’ll get to formal wear are high-shine leggings.

Not that they need black tie when their entire social calendars are filled solely with sporting events, an adrenaline fuelled mix of playing uni matches, national tournaments and watching rogue volleyball sets on Sky Sports.

Emma from the Glen block said: “We’re all very competitive but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We work as a team and help each other train. I couldn’t have been put in a better block – the sporty blocks are always the best.”

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“We draw on the floor because chairs are too mainstream”

Iona has taken on the identity of an American sitcom, filled with pranks ranging from the classic tin foiling of personal belongings to the slightly more unusual throwing of cutlery out of windows.

It’s eccentric pranking means it attracts a more artistic type, and along with cheeky post-it notes you can expect abstract paintings and blurry photographs decorating the walls. The residents of Iona are able to “find themselves” here amongst others of their own kind through group mindfulness sessions and spoken word competitions.

David from Iona said: “I’ve grown up always pranking my younger brother so when I got placed in this block it was meant to be. The best prankster has shots paid for by their flatmates and I’ve won twice. Everyone’s door is covered head to toe in art work and pictures, although it won’t be long before someone steals it.”

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