Every reason studying in the UEA Library is astronomically better than working at home

Your house is meant for sleeping and predrinking only

The Bermuda Triangle, crop circles and Stonehenge – these are among the world’s greatest mysteries. But perhaps the biggest question mark hanging over the human race is why anyone would ever choose to study at home as opposed to the UEA Library.

It’s common knowledge that working at home alone is a sad, sad state of affairs. Only strange folk choose this option over going to the library with mates, munching on illicit Doritos and planning how hard they’re going to go at the LCR once exams are over. If you’re not convinced, here’s a bunch of other reasons that ultimately prove why the library rules and home drools.

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The third floor of the Library has the best view in Norwich

It’s actually easy to forget about exam hell by gazing out over the green, modern UEA campus, living vicariously through the happy doggos frolicking across the lawn. You may have to fight for a space with someone who, let’s face it, is only there to Snapchat the view, but it will be worth it once you’re studying in heaven.

At home, the only view you’ll be able to enjoy is that of your hungover neighbour taking the bins out.

The Library is a sanctuary of sweet, safe silence

When you’re not gazing out of the window dreaming of happier times (purposefully averting your eyes from Suffolk Terrace), chances are the surrounding people keeping their heads down might motivate you to actually get some work done.

At home, the mind-splitting thuds emanating from your wannabe-DJ-housemate’s room will make you wish you’d never come to university and that, you know, maybe it’s OK to live off your parents for the rest of your years – at least they keep it down.

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 The only sensible places to study at home are grim

The kitchen is revolting, littered with crumbs and mouldy pots and pans, all set around a picturesque yet teetering pile of washing up and Olive Tree takeaway boxes.

The only other option is the bedroom, which is obviously a bad idea for revision because it’s a room specifically designed for sleeping in. Neither of these are conducive to effective study *pushes glasses up nose*.

At the Library there’s no need to deal with other people’s bad manners

At the library, as much as everyone hates being “that guy,” it’s actually acceptable to tell annoying gobby neighbours to STFU. If you need abject silence to study then head to Silent Reading Room 1, a place of such vacuum-esque quiet that even the hushed crunch of a cereal bar sounds like a herd of thundering freshers.

It’s a very different story at home. Idiot housemates who have already finished exams will come home in the early hours from Mantra and ruin any zen you had left. That just ain’t the one when there’s a whole syllabus to learn in under 6 hours.

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The rolling stacks on Floor 2 are fantastic for hide and seek 

Perfect for when you need to release tension on a revision break. They also provide great cover from library staff if a sneaky snack is necessary to boost those glucose levels.

Alternatively, they’re not so shabby a place for a lil smooch if it’s a different kind of sugar you’re after.

Going to the library means you’ll get necessary fresh air

Working in the library actually requires a journey from home. Chances are that going outside, seeing the sky and strolling past the lake will reduce the risk of a nervous breakdown, something that’s far more likely when restricted to your gloomy house.

Granted, it takes forever to walk up the library stairs, but think of those summer bod gainz that just wouldn’t be happening if you were lying on your bedroom floor, crying.

At home there is no one to shame you for your hours of procrastination

In the library, the judgmental eyes of fellow students will guilt you into getting off Facebook and trying to study, even if you’re just chilling on Floor 0 – can you imagine the uproar if you tried those shenanigans in either of the Silent Reading Rooms?

In bed, it’s all too easy for a quick five minute clip on YouTube to turn into a five hour Kardashians binge. Before you know it, the whole day is wasted and you’re still none the wiser about contemporary literature and postmodern theory.

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