What does your most used emoji say about your general vibe?

Beware the monkey-with-hands-over-mouth

When a picture speaks a thousand words, the tiny images we pepper throughout our daily texts reveal a lot about our inner selves.

We’ve painstakingly psychoanalysed the in-depth meanings behind each of your most commonly used emojis – read on to see how much of a hot mess you really are.

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? The cry-laugh

You’re literally the most boring person on the Earth. You’ve only actually laughed four times in your life and once was by accident.

? The snake

You’re incredibly paranoid because you’re the biggest snake of all. You’ll throw your friends under the bus to avoid being labelled a snake yourself. You fancy your best friend’s sister.

❤️ The heart

You only speak to your boyfriend.

? The aubergine

You’re oblivious to personal space boundaries and hate taking no for an answer. You airdrop unspeakable pictures to strangers in the library.

? The side-eyes

You absolutely love the ladies and you’re a massive player. You comment the side eyes on Instagrams of girls from your course, ‘forget’ what their boyfriend is called and text “wyd” at 3:22 am.

? The celebration

You’re a happy-go-lucky kind of person who is SO there for your friends, to the point that it’s incredibly intense. You say the word “yay” a lot IRL and you still sleep in a single bed when you’re home from uni.

The upside-down smile

You’re incredibly unlucky but you’re so used to it that you’ve learnt to smile through the pain. You always get splashed by cars when it’s raining and sometimes when you laugh you can’t tell if you’re actually crying instead.

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? The speak-no-evil monkey

You’re a horrible person who does truly horrendous things but doesn’t care and tries to play them off as cute. Got with your best friend’s boyfriend? Oops! Classic you! Missed your dissertation deadline because you were too busy sending filtered Snapchats to guys you’ll later ignore? Oops! Shame you’re too cute for it to be serious!

? The see-no-evil monkey

You cry every time you’re drunk and all your money goes on paying fines for soiling Ubers. You love asking people to have a “DMC” on a night at the SU and you constantly talk about gin.

? The poo

You love doing “classic” gags like covering your housemate’s bed in cling film, but sometimes you get the sense that everyone finds you incredibly tiring. You try to make people laugh and win friends by swapping their shampoo for Veet. You wear a onesie to Sainsbury’s.

? The splash

You’re mighty saucy and you fancy everyone. You’ve had a one-night stand with someone you met in a sports’ night club queue before. You brought fluffy handcuffs to uni.


You’re going to try and make it in media and you absolutely rate East London. You’ll spend your first paycheck on a pair of Yeezys and you tell everyone who will listen about this sick Boiler Room set you heard at the weekend.

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? The dancing girl

You’re constantly drunk and your friends are worried, but you think it’s funny. It’s weirdly easy to convince you to leave a lecture for midday margheritas.

? The wheyoo

You bloody love bloody pints with the bloody boys YES BOIS.

? The eye roll

You’re incredibly entitled and always want to get your way without actually trying. You call your tutor a ‘desperate, middle-aged loser’ for not giving you a first and tell everyone how much you hate her. You never smile when you meet new people.

? The kissy kissy

You’re an adult baby and you only eat food that can be mashed with a fork. You love commenting “henlo smol floof doggo” at dog videos on the internet.

? The fiyah

You’re a top DJ who’s Soundcloud is never not poppin’ and you DJ the edgiest nights at your uni. Either that or you’re a basic blonde who throws away Instagram likes like they’re going out of fashion – see also: the peach emoji. 

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? The sad face

You’re constantly desperate for attention. Nothing really bad has ever happened to you but you’re always playing the victim and trying to get everyone to feel sorry for you. You guilt trip your parents into driving you everywhere.

? The ‘Ace’

You’re super enthusiastic and always making elaborate plans with mates. You’re organised but like, chilled about it y’know? You sometimes wear a backwards cap and call trainers “sneaks”.

? The glum face

You are impossible to please. You complain about the rain in the winter and then say that summer heat gives you a rash. You never have and never will attend a 9am seminar.

? The wink

You go around telling everyone that you’re “so mad!” and always share too much on dates. Is everything you say an innuendo?! Who knows!

? The painted nails

You bloody love Aperol and are sassy AF. You start unnecessary arguments with your boyfriend all the time and refuse to say sorry. Beyonce is your icon.

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? The angry face

You’re lary as anything behind closed doors but you’re just a plain old keyboard warrior. Once you tried to nut a bouncer but he held you back by putting his outstretched hand on top of your head.

? The gun show

 You always skip leg day.

? The broken heart

You’re obsessed with Netflix and you always say no to plans with friends so you can stay in and watch The Good Wife. You love chocolate and your brother calls you “Bridget”.

? The champagne glasses

You’re ready to drink prosecco within literal seconds and you won’t wear any jewellery that isn’t from Tiffany & Co. You seem to have a cousin getting married every single weekend and you elbow people in the face to catch the bouquet.

The avocado

You’re so basic you’d probably wear a T-shirt that says “hangry” on it. You do a #TBT every week and waited with baited breath for the avocado emoji to come out. You call avocados “avo”.

? The flying money

You order bottles of Belvedere in clubs and empty your bank account so that you can take pictures of yourself with your phat $tacks. You have “Paris – Dubai – London” in your Instagram bio.

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? The popping bottle

You love seeing the gals and just having a good catch up! Sometimes a chat with pals is all the therapy you need amiright ladies?! All you and your friends talk about is how much you’re looking forward to seeing each other even though you see each other every Thursday through Sunday. You say “wooooo” a lot.

? The praying hands

You’re obsessed with Drake and you always say “one love” even though you don’t really know what it means.

? The blank face

You have eight brain cells.

? The walking man

You don’t care about anything. You’ll live at home forever after uni and get pissed off with your mum for buying the wrong flavour Super Noodles. Your favourite food is Cheesy Wotsits.

? The middle finger

You love arguing with boys in the group chat and trying to be one of the lads so they’ll all fancy you. You tag along to the pub after lectures and pretend you love football even though you learnt the offside rule from Google. You hate beer.

? The angel face

You’re incredibly smug about everything and you say overtly sexual things and act like it isn’t weird. You probably called your teacher “Mummy” on purpose to try and be cute and you’ll buy anything with a unicorn on it.

? The praise the Lord hands

You’re a massive worrier and are constantly in a state of anxiety about minor issues. You’ve been known to cry with happiness when small, boring things go your way. You walk around campus praying under your breath and whisper “OH THANK GOD” all the time.

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