Meet the new ASOS ambassadors bringing fashion to your campus

Not gonna lie, I’m pretty jealous

ASOS is a big deal and they’re a pretty sick name to have on the old CV. But what is it actually like to be a part of such an innovative brand that’s collaborated with the likes of Calvin Klein, Adidas and Nike?

We spoke to four students about being a brand ambassador for one of the biggest names in the industry, what their lifestyle is like and about all that swaggy stash.

Set your own trends on campus – design a t-shirt for free with #gobeyondbasic for the chance to win £5000 and your design sold on ASOS

Tilly, Leeds, Ancient History third year

I’m currently involved in promoting ASOS’ new t-shirt competition on campus which is really exciting – they’re offering people the chance to win £5000 and have their designs sold on ASOS. A lot of people at my uni are really artistic but don’t study art or design as their degree, so I think designing a t-shirt will give people the opportunity to express their creativity.

It’s exciting to see people’s t-shirt ideas coming through and understanding the creative process behind them. It’s really special to see designs that I think will go far in the competition and to follow their progress, especially if they get featured on ASOS!

ASOS are doing so much good for body image like using models with stretch marks. As young people we’re under so much pressure to be perfect, but ASOS encourages us to be ourselves and embrace our own style.

Check out #gobeyondbasic – create your own free t-shirt and enter your design for the chance to see it sold on ASOS

Izzi, Liverpool, Law second year

I was an ASOS ambassador last year – it was such a good experience that I jumped at the chance to be involved again. It’s a brand that I respect and use all the time, as well as being a genuinely nice company – working with such a huge brand doesn’t hurt your CV either.

There are amazing perks – we get a 30 per cent discount and even free trainers because they’re collaborating with Nike. I’ve also worked on some amazing events – we’re doing different things all the time – it’s never boring.

It was amazing to visit ASOS’s headquarters in London for our training day. It’s like another world, it’s huge. There are models wandering around and clothes everywhere – it was so interesting seeing how everything operates behind the scenes.

The beauty of being an ambassador is ASOS understand that different things work at different unis – we’re given so much freedom with how we promote campaigns. I actually go to uni more because I’m always spreading the word on campus.

I love that a huge, global brand like ASOS trusts students to go out and represent them. It’s rare for a brand to acknowledge students and how important we are to them – we have such a wide outreach, especially when it comes to setting trends. It’s nice to have that recognised.

Want to be a part of one of the biggest student brands? Join ASOS’s Go Beyond Basic campaign – design a t-shirt and get 10 per cent student discount to boot

 Tiggy, Cambridge, Psychology second year

I’ve always been a big fan of ASOS, even before I worked for them. I kept tagging the “As Seen On Me” page, where ASOS feature people wearing their clothes. Eventually I was noticed by another ambassador and I thought the role was perfect. I absolutely love the brand – I’ll tell anyone who’ll listen how great it is.

It’s such a great job to have at uni – when you love what you’re doing it’s easy to find the time to do it – I don’t see it as a chore. ASOS only expect 8-10 hours from us a week, which isn’t a lot. I’ve had no problem fitting it in around my uni work.

Being a brand ambassador is definitely fun, I wouldn’t do it otherwise. It’s also inspiring getting students to express their creativity and be experimental by creating their own designs for our t-shirt competition.

It’s made me realise that I definitely want to pursue fashion after uni. Hopefully I can combine it with my degree – there are courses about psychology in fashion. I want to learn about people’s choices and what individual style says about a person.

Design and order a t-shirt that perfectly fits your own style for free – you’ll have to chance to win £5000 and see it sold on ASOS

Ellie, Northumbria, Business and Marketing Management third year

I met the other brand ambassadors and they’re absolutely lovely. We’re all really different but we get on so well. It’s almost like our styles match our unis – you can definitely tell who goes where!

I didn’t want to work too much, especially because I’ll be doing my dissertation this year. ASOS are really good at working around us – if we have a deadline coming up they’re fine with us campaigning less as long as we let them know. I can work whenever and however I want.

The name literally does the work for us – people just approach us on campus and want to hear about what we’re doing. I always feel like I’m on a high after a day of campaigning –  I’m speaking to so many people all the time, it makes my days go so fast. It’s really sociable and not like any other job I’ve ever had.

You can get involved with ASOS  – you could win £5000 and have your t-shirt design sold on their website – find out more here

Check out #gobeyondbasic to get a free personalised t-shirt and 10 per cent student discount