Every single frustrating thing you’ll understand if you study Computer Science

StackOverflow + Wikipedia = 2:1

Computer Science is the bedrock of everything we use each day – it’s the reason you’re likely reading this from your mobile right now. We’re the unsung heroes of university, despite the fact everyone thinks we never see the light of day.

J.P. Morgan are looking for talented Computer Science students to apply for their Technology Analyst Program – find out more here

There’s no coasting when it comes to computers

I like to live dangerously

90 percent of the time there’s only one correct answer. ‘Blagging’ a project is not and will never be a part of our university experience. So when your mate tells you they spent last night conjuring up an essay argument from the first line of their textbook while catching up on Game of Thrones, rest assured that you will never have this freedom.

We will forever be drafted in as IT technicians for the less digitally able

“Oh wow, you do Computer Science? I could never do that.”

“Can you fix my printer?”.

“Can you fix my laptop?”

“Can you fix my phone?”


And everybody wants you to make their million dollar app for them

There’s always that person at a party who has some app idea that’s “Bumble but for rowers” or “eBay but for cats” that’ll supposedly make you both rich – you just have to do all the work to make it.

Tech banter is the only banter we’ll ever need or understand

“Do you want to go out and grab a byte after this lecture?”

“There are 10 types of people in the world – those who understand ternary, those who don’t, and those who thought this was a binary joke

“Tabs > spaces” – blood will be shed over this statement.

Unrivaled in your tech abilities? Put your skills to use when you apply to J.P. Morgan’s Technology Analyst Program

We’ve got secret skills

We were the script kiddy who found out how to get around our secondary school’s YouTube filter. We’ve probably also blocked the Mac address of all the people that annoy us in our house. We will be able to locate, download, or tap into resources anywhere. Conclusion? RESPECT ComSci.

“What’s a library?”

Why would we waste our time trawling through endless paperbacks? Three letters: PDF. The world’s information at your fingertips.

We also know our way around almost every study programme imaginable. Google Scholar? Completed it mate.

J.P. Morgan are looking for driven and creative Computer Scientists for their Technology Analyst Programme – apply today 

We waste too much time gaming when we could be changing the world

Guess which one has the most course satisfaction

Half of ComSci will only be there because they think they’re going to invent the next Minecraft. In reality, we’ll spend every lecture in the back row on Hearthstone or CS:GO. Either way, we definitely think we’re special enough to build a startup one day.

It’s not all numbers and code

Someone studying a humanities degree will tell you “at least I can spell and use grammar correctly”. Entire projects come crashing to a halt if you put a comma in the wrong place. Trust me, we know how to pay attention to detail.

Who run the world? ComSci

Choosing to study Computer Science will be one of the best decisions you ever make – if you have an inkling of street smarts combined with a little bit of self-motivation you’re guaranteed a job for life. The more people that study Computer Science, the more likely we are to live in a tech-filled utopia.

Apply for one of J.P. Morgan’s Internship Programs and join the next wave of innovators in tech and computer science