Meet the students using Circle to fund lavish club nights and surf trips to Morocco

One second year made £400 in a month

From playing for Scotland’s national netball team to running a massive disco night in Bristol, these students are doing big things on campus – and being a Circle Ambassador is helping them fund their way to the top.

As it happens, Circle – the popular social payment app you’ve already heard about – are looking for brand ambassadors to spread their good word. It’s a pretty sweet gig and the incentives aren’t too shabby – up to £10 for every person you sign up, and some seriously good prizes like trips away and cash money bonuses.

We caught up with the students and asked them about how they’re using their cash, and quizzed them on what it’s really like to be a Circle Ambassador.

Get up to £10 for every person you get to download Circle when you become an ambassador – sign up here

Harry, Bristol, Economics, third year 

Works for BED Monday in Bristol and runs his own night, Clotted Cream 

Harry (left)

Why did you sign up to be a Circle Ambassador? 

It’s a really great, easy way to make money. Normally, if you sign up your mate you’ll get a fiver, but as an ambassador you’ll get £10 (after you’ve referred your first 50 people).

What’s the most innovative way you’ve gotten people to download the app?

I work for this big weekly night in Bristol called BED, which is pretty popular with freshers. I spoke to the boss and he allowed me to create a guestlist if I paid each person’s £5 entry.

I then advertised that if people wanted to get into the club for free, all they’d have to do is download Circle using my code. The cherry on top was they’d get a free £5 on the app just from downloading – people couldn’t say no to that.

I’d then pay £5 for each person’s entry, but would receive £5 profit from each signup. It worked quite nicely – if they then signed up their friends, I’d get an extra £2 bonus at the end of the month. I made £539 just from doing that alone.

Did you use that money to start up Clotted Cream? 

We did make quite an investment, which was a bit of a risk, but we sold out on the first event – there were around 300 people – so we made that money back. The second night was even bigger at 500 capacity, and we sold out for that too.

What’s Clotted Cream’s vibe?

It’s a disco, funk and soul night – we decorate the place like mad, have great music, everyone wears glitter – it’s a really good night. We like to move the night around every month – we try to pick locations we know people want to go to, so we entice people to come even more.

We also give out free ice cream which people obviously love.

Sign up to be a Circle Ambassador here and get £10 for each person you sign up

George, Exeter, Geography, second year

Is the Publicity Secretary for Exeter Uni Surf Club

Have you always surfed?

Yeah, since I was young – I came to Exeter purely because I wanted to be nearer the sea. Every Saturday the club goes surfing which is amazing – I don’t think many other unis have that opportunity.

Is being a Circle Ambassador beneficial for the Surf Club?

The main thing we use the app for is Circle Events. You only get these if you’re a society page and we use it for our socials. Instead of having to take hard cash or making people come to uni to pick up tickets, we use Circle. We create an event, set the price for the social and then people pay, all through the app.

George, left

How much money do you get being an ambassador?

It depends how creative you get. I got a bunch of societies on board at the start of the year, made cash from their signups and then got the additional £2 from people they then go on to sign up. That’s definitely the most lucrative way to make money.

The other thing was at Christmas, Circle was doing a deal which meant the person signing up would get £10 as well as the ambassador. I shared my code with a lot of people, but the real boost was going down to Exeter College, which was such an untapped market. At Exeter Uni everybody had Circle already, so I jumped on the opportunity. Over the course of December alone, I received around £400.

That’s a lot of money – what did you do with it?

I used it to go surfing in Morocco. It was with the uni – the club takes around 30 people every Christmas. We rented out an entire hostel and surfed two to three times a day. The weather was incredible, like 22 degrees during the day, it was amazing.

Get up to £10 for every person you sign up to the Circle app – sign up to be a Circle Ambassador here

Kate, Edinburgh, Media and Communications, second year

Plays netball for Scotland U21s and is on Newcastle’s first team 

How did you make it onto the Scotland U21 team?

I started playing netball when I was around ten. I first began training for a club, and then went up the pathway, from county onto regional. I actually ended up playing for England for about two years, but when I came to uni I took a break – it’s quite intense.

This year, I went to the Scotland trials and ended up being selected for the team. 

Has using Circle helped your netball career? 

It’s definitely incredibly useful for the club – from small things like petrol money to organising massive socials, the app makes everything so seamless.

What other perks are there to being a Circle Ambassador? 

They hand out prizes every month for the best performing ambassadors, and they aren’t stingy – last month, somebody won a trip to Iceland. This month the prize is two tickets to a festival with VIP entry, and the second prize is £250.

Being a Circle Ambassador is a pretty sweet gig – receive up to £10 for every person you sign up, and be in with the chance of winning incredible prizes like trips to Iceland 

Sign up to be a Circle Ambassador here