Here’s every reason why people with a part-time job at uni deserve your respect

Don’t chat to me about your contact hours

Not naming any names, but we all know people at uni who love talking about how hard their course is. However, there’s a huge portion of students that never, ever get the credit for working hard – students with part-time jobs.

We’re more organised than any of our mates, we’re amazing at handling our money, and we’ve got superhuman willpower when it comes to saying no to a night out. There’s a level of maturity that can only be reached by working five evenings a week for minimum wage, and boy do we have it.

So, here’s every reason why people who have a part-time job at uni are doing it right:

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Oh hey, don’t mind me, just getting a 2:1

You won’t see us in the library, but best believe we’re on top of our work

If we’re getting in after midnight at the end of a Friday bar shift, there’s no way we’re getting up and hitting the library at nine a.m. We’re the kings and queens of solo revision – the elite sector of uni that will pull out a 2:1 without ever being spotted near the library.

Our social life is reserved for the exclusive few

We may spend our weekdays creeping in at two a.m. and missing out on the Love Island post-match analysis in the living room – but we’re guaranteed to be the most fun on a night out. Whether it’s being able to splash on an Uber to the club, or covering drinks for the others when they’ve run out of cash – we’ll never do a night out by halves.

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We’re eating good, despite what you may think

Meal deals are a no go – there are only so many you can eat before you lose faith in humanity. We have to be crafty to fit a healthy diet into our schedule, and we’ve become masters of meal prep. Plus, a free burger or gourmet salad from work goes down a treat during an evening shift. Enjoy your ten per cent student discount; ours is on the house.

Our friends will never understand our lifestyle

“What do you mean you can’t come out? It’s SU Wednesdays!”

“Revision session on Saturday? Then brunch, shopping, and cinema?”


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We learn how to deal with paparazzi early on

Everyone thinks they’re the funniest person ever when they yell our place of work at us in the street after a night out. 

Strangers assume that being referred to as “Co-Op Girl” makes a person feel like a celebrity, and in true celeb form, we’ve perfected the regal wave-eye-roll combo that we fling back in return.

We’ve had to master the skill of time management

A day time job means our tutor’s office hours are out of the question, but no one can teach themselves a whole syllabus like we can. It’s kind of a gift.

Luckily, we’ve perfected the art of cramming, fitting a semester’s worth of info into a single weekend. Sunday brunch? Nah mate – going to go bury myself in 19 journals on Queer Theory before my exam on Tuesday.

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