Don’t know what to do when you leave uni? This quiz will help you find out

End those sleepless nights once and for all

The best of us spend all-nighters at the library, swimming through coffee and Popchips, fingers typing at the speed of light trying to meet that deadline at 9am the next day. So, we get it if you feel like you’re drifting up a certain creek without a paddle when it comes to actually figuring out what to do with your life post-graduation.

All of this isn’t helped by careers fairs and job ads, of which their sole purpose seems to give the least accurate depiction of what’s available to you out there. Thanks, we don’t need your tote bag.

You can now stop trawling through cryptic job ads trying to find what the next step is – the Universum career test will give you the full lowdown on what you need to do to get your grad job, and which employers are most in line with your interests. Here’s how you can get some peace of mind:

Not sure what you want to do after uni? Take Universum’s career test here and get a full breakdown of what you can expect from your chosen career

The test takes around 15 minutes max and is 100 per cent worth your time. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions, based on what you’re looking for in a grad job. The test will ask you what sort of employers floats your boat, who you’ve considered applying for and the most important things you look for in an employer.

At the end, it’ll break down your personality type, based on seven categories, such as whether you’ve got leadership qualities or entrepreneurial skills – a surefire way to get that ego boost you need right now.

The test will also tell you what sort of salary you can expect based on your preferences, what your career path looks like, and your strengths and weaknesses. On top of that, it’ll provide you with a list of employers that are suited to your personality, so you know first hand where you’ve got a shot at come graduation.

Get the peace of mind your need before graduation with the Universum career test

Take the test here and find the right kind of career for you

Once you’ve done the test, you can download their soft skills handbook (which includes everything employers really look for) and a free CV check to ensure you don’t waste those applications. No waffle, all fact.

So what are you waiting for? The power is now in your hands – go and find out whether you’re destined to be a startup queen or a creative guru. You’re worth it.

The Universum career test will tell you what career you should choose, what employers will suit you most and even what kind of salary you’ll receive

Take the test here 

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