Here’s how to get £4,000 every year you’re at uni AND a job straight after graduation

Get paid to help keep the UK safe from cyber attacks

Everyone complains about having to pay £9000 a year for uni, but really that’s just the start of it. On top of your education, you then need to pay for housing, travel, food, and a social life. It’s crazy how much it costs to get an A4 bit of paper with some numbers on, and still not be guaranteed the job of your dreams after. But what if there was another way, a better way?

Thanks to the CyberFirst Bursary Scheme you can get £4000 free cash while you’re at uni, paid summer training with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a government body or a tech employer and a job straight out of uni. No, this is not a joke! No matter your degree, or amount of coding experience, thanks to CyberFirst you can help keep the digital world safe AND get paid to do it.

Get a £4000 annual bursary towards your uni costs and government-level cyber security training with CyberFirst now

With CyberFirst you’ll help to keep photos (which includes 24billion+ selfies a year), data and cloud backups protected.

CyberFirst was set up by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). As part of GCHQ, the UK’s world-leading intelligence and cyber security agency, NCSC offers unrivalled real-time threat analysis and defence against national cyber-attacks.

It may not always be obvious, but cyber security is such a large part of your life. Protecting flight paths, weather satellites, the Bank of England and even your own selfies from cyber threats is all part of a days work at CyberFirst.

Although it depends on which tech company you’re placed with, as part of the CyberFirst Bursary Scheme you could work in areas such as aerospace, gaming, power and communication, satellites, transport, banking and healthcare. Which, you have to admit, makes a job in cyber security so much more interesting than your average grey-suited grad job.

So if you’ve got at least two years of uni left make sure you apply for CyberFirst’s Bursary Scheme now before it closes on the 11th November. And, remember, not only will you receive FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS for every year you’re at uni, but each summer you’ll also be paid £2000, plus travel and living expenses, to complete an eight-week training placement.

Still interested? Of course you are – here’s how to apply:

Step 1: Click here (this will take you to CyberFirst’s not-so-secret application page)

Step 2: Fill in their application form (don’t worry, it’s nothing too stressful)

Step 3: Complete the online exercise (this is top secret, so hush hush)

And that’s it, for now.

Once you get through the first stage there’ll be the usual interview and assessment centre you’ll also need to pass. But, come on, this is national security after all – it was never going to be super easy.

CyberFirst’s Bursary Scheme will help you pay for uni and train you in cyber security FOR FREE

You’ll receive £4000 for every year of uni and £2000 during your eight-week summer training programme

Click here to apply now

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