Here’s how to actually manage your stress levels and emotional fitness

Not everything can be solved with a hard gym sesh and slice of cake

It’s well known that life at uni is chocker-block full of little anxiety-inducing moments: Completely forgotten to do today’s seminar reading and get asked a question by the lecturer? Stressed. Three of your housemates late to pay the gas bill, AGAIN? Stressed. Can’t find something to wear for another sports social at Timepiece? Stressed.

With 88 per cent of uni students across 140 UK universities struggling with anxiety and 43 per cent saying their often or always worried, it’s clear that strengthening and training your mental health needs to become as mainstream as going to the gym.

Feeling stressed or anxious and don’t have the tools to deal with it? Click here to download Fika for FREE and start improving your emotional fitness now

Anxiety and stress, at their less extreme levels, are not mental illnesses – they’re a normal part of our natural response to dealing with the pressures of life. So, just like exercising physical muscles to lift more weight and perform better, your emotional muscles can be exercised to do exactly the same – carry more weight and perform better. That’s what Fika is all about.

After listening to students and noticing the need for a more positive, exercised-based approach to mental health, Fika has created an app to help users improve their emotional fitness by learning to recognise and deal with the causes of their stress and anxiety.

With help and advice from thousands of students, scientists and athletes Fika has tried and tested their app to ensure that it will provide all the emotional tools you need for life, friendships and relationships. Plus, with 99 per cent of graduate employers saying that emotional education greatly improves students’ chance of employment, Fika will also help you build the skills needed to nail that grad job interview too! What’s not to love?


Example stages of a Daily Exercise

Fika has already helped thousands of students across the UK to develop their emotional fitness. After only five days of doing an in-app Daily Workout, 81 per cent of students said they felt less anxious and stressed, 79 per cent had more confidence and 83 per cent felt they had a more positive attitude towards life.

“So how do I get to be part of this amazing movement?” I hear you ask – Well, it’s super easy:

Step 1: Click on this link and download the Fika app

Step 2: Create your user profile by confirming you’re over 16 and sign up with your email address:

Fika is proudly advert free and respects the privacy of all it’s members

That’s it, just a few simple steps to download and sign up to the app, and you’ll instantly have access to Fika’s emotional fitness-boosting Daily Workouts.

Not that these are all the app has to offer – when you sign up for the premium version you’ll also get access to over 200 specialised workout plans covering everything from how to be a great member of a group project, to how to make new friends and build your self-belief.

Still not sure about it? Why not hear from some of the student Fika users themselves:

“I feel so much more awake and energetic, but also positive about the day ahead of me. I was also able to share it with my best friend which made the experience even more fun.”

“Fika has been such a positive impact on my life as there have been moments that I have been vulnerable and using Fika has made sure that these moments do not turn into anything more severe.”

“Fika puts everything into context, which is great when your mind is running at 100mph- it’s like you get a little break for a few mins every day before you get back to the grind.”

University is a stressful place. Meeting new people, managing your own finances, studying for your degree – it can all get a bit overwhelming

So, why not give yourself the tools needed to support and improve your mental wellbeing? 

Click here to download Fika and complete their Daily Workouts now