Could you hitchhike across Europe for a week without any money?

This is definitely more fun than coursework

Do you like adventure? Is the monotonous cycle of library, lectures and yet another piece of coursework boring you? If you’re sat in the library twiddling your thumbs right now thinking YES, then you need to apply for Red Bull Can You Make It?

Red Bull Can You Make It? is the ultimate test for any student who loves a challenge. Students, in teams of three, have just one week to travel to Berlin from a European city, only using cans of Red Bull as currency.

Yep – that means no cash, debit cards, emergency credit cards or calling mum and dad begging for a bank transfer. Just Red Bull.

And sorry to break it to you early on, but you’re not allowed to use your phone either.

Each team will be given 24 cans of Red Bull, which will be used for all travel, food, accommodation and anything else you might need. If you’re known for your natural charm and bartering skills – this one is for you.

Credit: Red Bull Content Pool

Bored of the library? Grab your mates and apply for Red Bull Can You Make It? now

One year, a team representing Bournemouth University managed to trade in a can of Red Bull for a helicopter ride. One can!!

Baz, one of the members of the ‘3 Bros’ said: “Blagging a flight was at the top of our list. Will worked his French charm and 20 minutes later, we were flying across the French Alps.”

Interested? Of course you are. But what are the rules to applying?

• All three team members must be studying at university

• Everyone needs to be over 18

• You must submit a one-minute long video on why your team should be chosen. Don’t make this boring – you’ve got to really sell yourself here. Upload it to Vimeo or YouTube, and don’t forget to make it public

• All team members must have an Instagram account – I mean, why would you do this and not document the whole thing to all your mates back at home? Think of the likes!

• Red Bull Can You Make It? will take place April 21-28 – so obv you need to be available

Applications close 17th February 2020 at 22:59, so get going!!

Credit: Red Bull Content Pool

Think you could hitchhike across Europe with just 24 cans of Red Bull as currency? Apply for Red Bull Can You Make It? now

Teams will start in either Barcelona, Amsterdam, Budapest, Milan or Copenhagen. The ultimate win is to get to Berlin, but teams can earn points along the way by completing checkpoint challenges, posting lots on Instagram and getting those sweet likes up, and completing adventure list challenges. But to be honest, it’s not about who can get to Berlin fastest – it’s all about having a banging time hitchhiking with your pals.

Teams will only be able to use Red Bull as currency, and will be disqualified if any other currency is used. You’ll also be disqualified if you use your own phone or borrow someone else’s, and if for some reason you have air miles you definitely can’t use them either, cheater.

In 2018, 600 students from 56 countries took part in Red Bull Can You Make It?

If you still haven’t text your team members yet with the application form, watch the video below of Red Bull Can You Make It? 2018:

Teams can apply for Red Bull Can You Make It? here. Applications close 17th February 2020 at 22:59.

Featured image: Red Bull Content Pool