Seven things you’ll see on a student night out that *just make sense*

Looking out for your mates makes ✨the most sense✨


Freshers has come around again, and we’re all feeling a bit excited. For those of you starting uni, you have a world of discounted club nights, society wristbands and new flatmates ahead of you.

No matter where you are in your uni journey, one important thing unites us all: An excellent night out. Good mates, great music and even better memories. Malibu is all about good vibes and unstoppable positive energy – meaning everyone’s invited, and everyone feels welcome. It’s important to make sure everyone’s having a good time, all the time.

So this Freshers week, Malibu isn’t here for the haters! They’re here to help every Fresher (and re-fresher) enjoy a good night from start to finish. And to celebrate those who bring #GoodVibesOnly.

The #GoodVibesOnly Awards (hosted by Olivia Attwood and Joey Essex) will be celebrating the people in your friend group who bring the best energy to every night out. Think: The mate who knows exactly where to get a kebab and loaded fries at three o’clock in the morning, or the pal who fixes your makeup in the loo.


Malibu is also teaming up with *big* brands like Uber, Vita Coco, Revolution (AKA Revs) and Popworld to bring you the most amazing freshers experience possible.

Click here to enter your friend for a #GoodVibesOnly Award!

On top of all this, Malibu is partnering with Good Night Out (GNO), which campaigns for safer nights out, to train its ambassadors and bartenders across the UK, on helping to prevent sexual assault and promote drinking safely.

So, while you’re getting ready to go on your first ever freshers night out, here are seven things you can expect to see that *just make sense*:

1. Making new besties in the queue outside Revs

malibu good vibes only

There’s a good reason Revs is so popular – the music is high energy and *filled* with dance classics and bangers. So, while you’re getting REVVED (get it?) to make your way in, it’s a guarantee you’ll make several friends for life in the line.

And if you haven’t experienced it yet – here’s a tip: Extend the good vibes to people outside your friendship group and get chatting to your queuemates. You’ll end up getting into your life story, hopes, dreams and deepest fears before the night is up.

As part of #GoodVibesOnly, freshers can claim discounted Uber rides from selected Revs and Popworld locations* around the UK. 

2. Fixing your mate’s makeup in the crowded loos

You’ve got people all around you (and, let’s face it, someone trying to sell you overpriced loo roll) and you’re feeling stressed. But, somehow, like an angel on Earth, your friend manages to push through and wipe that creased mascara off your undereye.

(Taking a friend to the toilet is also a sure-fire way of getting your jumpsuit done up properly, but you didn’t hear that from me.)

3. Getting to ride in a tuk tuk when you miss the last taxi home

malibu good vibes only

Photo by Adam Dore on Unsplash

Taking your shoes off and RUNNING from the club at 1AM, only to realise the last taxi has left is pretty much the worst feeling in the world. You sit on the ground, feeling defeated and thinking about the long walk ahead, when a Malibu tuk tuk pulls up in front of you, offering you a ride.

You don’t know how or why this has happened – and you even wonder if it could be fate. You pile in with your friends, arrive through the door five minutes later and curl up in bed. Pure, unadulterated bliss.

Malibu tuk tuks will be running in selected cities* from 6th October.

4. Pretending to like obscure, rubbish indie music – but still ending up in Popworld


Word of advice, freshers – all your best nights out will happen in Popworld. Sure, you can pretend to like some random new band who plays “real music” with their “real instruments” and wear “fedoras”. Or, you can give in to your love of ’00s Robbie Williams like the rest of us and have a good time.

Frankly, the vibes are always chaotically perfect and the bangers keep on coming.

As part of #GoodVibesOnly, freshers can claim discounted Uber rides from selected Revs and Popworld locations* around the UK. 

5. Begging your Uber driver to play your music like you’ve known them for years


You have no idea where you suddenly got the confidence to ask your driver to play Megan Thee Stallion as you’re driving to the club, but you like it. And when you’re leaving for the night, you’ll definitely feel an emotional urge to sing along to some Adele, instead.

Freshers can get £10 off your next Uber ride in selected cities*. 

6. Drinking a box of Vita Coco to keep you hydrated in the club


It can get pretty sweaty in there, and science says you should always drink water in between drinks. So, why not go for something tastier than tap water? Look out for your mates, too, by getting them a box of Vita Coco before stepping into the club.

Claim your free Vita Coco from a member of the GNO-trained Malibu team outside selected Revs and Popworld venues* around the UK.

7. Curling up with a kebab after an incredible night


Making it home, safe and sound, knowing you’ve had the time of your life is a feeling which can’t be beaten. Enjoy that kebab; those chips; that bag of vegan nuggets, whoever you’re with. You’ve earnt it.

Click here to enter your friend for a #GoodVibesOnly Award!

*Selected cities are Sheffield (5th – 6th October), Cardiff (11th October), Newcastle (12th October), and Liverpool (13th October)

More on: Freshers Week