Prince Harry thinks the girls at Bristol Uni are ‘really fit’

Prince Harry also allegedly enjoyed a night out in Lakota

Prince Harry has recently released his autobiography Spare, telling stories of his life as a Prince, and everything else.

In Chapter 38 of the book, Harry recalls discussing his university options with his housemaster at Eton College, and one university that he considers is the University of Bristol to study history of art. 

However, his reasoning for this choice is not due to any academic value, it was, in fact, because “lots of pretty girls took that subject” at the university.  

Unfortunately, Prince Harry and his housemaster realised that university was not the right option for him, meaning that he never got to encounter the true Bristol student experience of drinking your bodyweight in VKs at Fishies or Bed Mondays every week.  

This is not the only encounter Prince Harry has had with Bristol. In 2007, it was rumoured that Prince Harry enjoyed a night out at the infamous nightclub Lakota in Stokes Croft.  

Apparently, Prince Harry paid £12 to see the French DJ Etienne de Crecy in an event that was arranged by first year University of Bristol students in aid of the charity For Dementia.  

In an age before smartphone cameras, there are no confirmed pictures of Prince Harry at this event, however sources recall seeing him partying with his friends there.  

The night at Lakota also left him failing to show up to a reunion at Eton the next day which was organised by his former housemaster, who was probably right about university not being the right option for him.  

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