Bristol Uni security handing out warnings in libraries following phone theft

Increased numbers of security have been spotted all around campus

Since the theft of a student’s phone in the Arts and Social Sciences Library university, security has been cracking down on students who leave their valuables and devices unattended in the libraries.

On Tuesday, many students noticed “loads of security men walking around the ASS”,  where they are placing down papers warning people about theft.

A second year Politics student told The Bristol Tab that they usually leave their devices unattended but after seeing the security all over campus, they realised that “it must be serious”.

The increased numbers of security have also been spotted in Wills Memorial Library, Senate and Beacon house, with the same warnings being given out.

With exam season around the corner, the temptation for students to leave their belongings out to secure a seat in the busy libraries is high. It is easy to place trust in those around you and assume the safety of the Ucard barriers, yet the recent tailgating incident  has shown how easily theft can occur.

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