Tell us your spending habits and we’ll tell you which uni you should go to

That student loan isn’t going to spend itself


One of the best things about uni is studying and having fun with your friends. A coffee here, a pint there, a takeaway eve on a Sunday. But, as the cost of living carries on climbing, financial stress is seriously changing the student experience as we’ve all come to know it. In fact, almost half (49 per cent) of young people are potentially opting out of going to uni at all due to money worries.

But even as the price of a meal deal reaches new astronomical levels, there are still options of how to study, enjoy your time at uni, and save – at once. New research from the Centre for Economic and Business Research and The Open University estimates studying with The OU could potentially help save up to £6,555 per year and lower the amount of debt you have after graduating. So, your bank account would wind up looking a lot healthier than you might expect. 

Plus, nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of young students want to live at home and 29 per cent want to fit their education around their existing life – so, yeah, remote courses might have once been for mature students but now way more young people are opting for them, too.

The Open University is currently accepting applications on their affordable and flexible courses. So, if you’re considering uni but aren’t certain you want the financial burden of getting a degree, or giving up your job to fit around a campus schedule, this could be the perfect way to study without ditching your income and every small treat you buy to get yourself through the week.

Apply today – Learn and live.

Choosing which uni you go to is a huge decision and with your finances and lifestyle added into the mix it can get even more confusing. So, if you’re as baffled as everyone else right now, take our quiz, tell us your spending habits and we’ll tell you exactly which uni you should go to:

More on: student