10 BeReals that every Glasgow Uni student has taken

⚠️Time to BeReal‭ ⚠️

Everyone’s life seems to look perfect on social media, with perfectly curated camera roll dumps and night out snapshots in a brand new Oh Polly dress (if you are blessed enough for them to be within your budget). However, the point is that social media creates an unrealistic image of how people are living their lives. That’s where BeReal comes in.

The rules are simple: You post a two-sided photo within a random two minute time slot every day and if you are on time, you get rewarded an extra two to take whenever you are doing something interesting.

Most people have had some interaction with BeReal. I have been in many a lecture where about 200 BeReals go off simultaneously and witnessed most of the class scrambling for their phones. Like it or not, BeReal is a part of uni life. That is, unless, you are one of those people who proudly exclaim “I don’t use social media” whenever it is mentioned that is (there is no medal for that btw guys).

So, assuming you use the app, here are 10 BeReals I can guarantee you have taken as a Glasgow Uni student.

1. In the library 

This one is particularly relevant currently as we all struggle through the mid-term season’s absolute slog. Just when you thought you had sussed the content out, then, all of a sudden, you have five essays due in one week. Suddenly your almost productive life becomes centred around finding a spot in the library, and how it is possible to simultaneously pass your exams and maintain a sleep schedule (it is near impossible), never mind a social life.

Regardless as you work away like the academic weapon that you are, allowing a small break to show the world your studiousness, is entirely necessary.

2. In a club 

We all know university isn’t all about studying and I’m sure a late-night BeReal may have caught you on an impromptu Firewater Thursday or Sanctuary (RIP)/Hive Wednesday trip.

I have such a love-hate relationship with this type of BeReal. On the one hand, a night out provides many moments for the perfect BeReal, it’ll also be dark and blurry and take about half an hour to post.

3. In a lecture

As mentioned earlier when BeReal goes off in a lecture, you better believe everyone’s phone will be right out. Not only is it a welcome break from the hard work that is your own course. Because how dare they make us learn about the courses we begged to get into.

So take a break, and show the world your fascinating course. Not to mention it’s a bonding experience with new lecture friends.

4. Ashton Lane trips

With its heated beer garden, Vodka Wodka is a top spot for many society socials as well as a perfect place for a cocktail night. Its vibey lights and reasonably priced cocktails make it a GU student essential. So if you haven’t been then really.

5. In Kelvingrove Park

Had a stressful day? Partied a little bit too hard and need to reconnect with nature? Or is it just abnormally sunny and you fancy some much-needed vitamin D? Kelvingrove Park is the place for you. And this serves as an opportunity you simply cannot pass up to show off your brief moments in the wild.

6. Food shop at the Lidl

If you were lucky/unlucky enough to live in Murano you will be well acquainted with the Woodside Lidl, or maybe the Finneston/Partick ones depending on where you’ve chosen to live.

Even if you weren’t a Murano-er you’ve probably been and whilst you are doing your weekly shop, you might as well show your BeReal your food haul of noodles and tinned soup.

7. On the Subway

The subway is a perfect way to get into town for a night out. With the last subway being at 23:30pm it gives you plenty of time to get suitable levels of drunk. Plus if you have a Subway Smartcard, it’s technically free (if you know you know – it’s girl maths). 

8. Of the Main Building

You can’t deny it regardless of the prestige of our university, the Hogwarts-like campus probably has some influence on your decision to come here. You imagine yourself wandering through the cloisters walking to and from lectures. Just to realise the majority of your lectures are in the Boyd Orr. Devastating.

However, you wouldn’t be a GU student if you hadn’t flexed the Main Building on some kind of social media, BeReal is the perfect excuse.

9. In bed hungover when you were meant to be somewhere else

I think everyone is guilty of the “oh I will just go home early tonight I can make my 9am tomorrow” at least once in their time at university. And let’s be honest, that seldom actually happens.

So if you are unlucky enough for BeReal to go off when you are wallowing in self-pity, then be brave and accept the shame of the hangover or the honour of a night done right, you decide.

10. At the hospital/doctor

So, I feel like this is maybe not a canon experience, maybe I am just a clumsy or sickly individual. However, I feel like if you got through the first year without a trip to the hospital or at least to the GP then you are one of the lucky ones. If you are one of those people I am jealous of your immune system.

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