Glasgow University technician involved in major car crash

Deborah Sym was involved in a car crash on her way to work

A technician at the University of Glasgow has been involved in a major car crash in the city.

Deborah Sym was on her way to work at the biomedical research building when her car was struck causing it to flip upside down.

The lady from Ayrshire was left in a state of severe shock, whilst being covered in blood and glass.

The 39-year-old was driving along Partick Bridge when the incident occurred. Nearby residents saw the upturned vehicle and were able to pull her out of the car.

Deborah spoke to Glasgow Live: “There was a car weaving in and out of the lanes, I don’t know if they knew it was two lanes. The car finally chose the left lane and then they took a hard right.”

“The next thing I knew I was flying through the air. When I was upside down everything was silent and I was covered in glass. All I can remember is that I was screaming and there was blood all over me. People came over to pull me out the car. They offered me a chair, some water and foil blankets. My life had flashed before my eyes and I thought I was going to die. Physically I have been very lucky because I could’ve broken my back and neck.

“I just have a staved arm, the skin has come off my elbow and I have bruises everywhere. My head is still pounding and I can’t feel my thumb. Mentally I feel absolutely distraught. I live in Ayrshire and I love my job at Glasgow Uni. I can’t even travel to work because there is no public transport where I live. I’m stranded in the countryside.When I end up being able to drive to work I’m going to be terrified because I’ll be passing it every time I go to work.”

The horrific incident is still on Deborah’s mind, although she has expressed her gratitude to the strangers who rescued her from the wreckage. She said: ”I wish I could thank them all personally. A man with glasses phoned my partner for me, there were a couple of young guys who got things out of my car for me. Another person brought me a chair and some water.

Deborah is now asking for people who witnessed the incident to contact the police quoting reference number 2065 of December 11.

Police Scotland has been contacted for comment.

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