Man jailed for eight years after raping Exeter University student while she slept

Adam Mohammed raped a woman in student accommodation in March 2021

A man has been jailed for eight years for raping an Exeter University student while they slept.

The incident occurred in student accommodation at The University of Exeter back in March 2021.

Adam Mohammed, 23, was since found guilty of rape at a trial held at Exeter Crown Court, BBC reports.

In June 2023 the court heard how the victim had gone to bed in her student accommodation at midnight, leaving her door open so that her friends could check on her after telling them she was feeling ill.

Later that night, Mohammed entered her bedroom and raped her whilst she was asleep. After waking up abruptly, the victim pushed Mohammed off and ran into a friend’s bedroom.

The court heard how the victim was so traumatised by what happened that she moved out of her room.

Devon and Cornwall police said the DNA found on the victim’s clothes can be linked to Mohammed, who denied the offence.

Judge David Evans said he was in no doubt that Mohammed had gone to the University in Exeter hoping to find a party where he would meet a woman. The jury also heard how Mohammed had made sexualised comments while he was socialising in the accommodation block on the night of the incident.

A spokesperson from the university told the BBC that this was an extremely rare incident and they were supporting the victim.

Mohammed will remain on the Sex Offenders Register for life. Detective Constable Alex Powe of Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Mohammed took advantage of the victim while she was asleep. I am pleased that he will now serve a considerable amount of time in prison where he can no longer be a threat to women.”

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Featured image via Devon and Cornwall Police