Jordan exposes Luke’s ‘embarassing’ behaviour for not being ‘brave enough’ to fight him

Luke thinks Jordan wants to ‘suck his d*ck’ because he keeps talking about him

If you cast your mind back far enough you might remember that Jordan and Luke from MAFS UK were due to have their boxing match at the O2 tomorrow. It was cancelled back in January and ever since then, the two grooms have been trading insults at each other ever since.

In its original statement, DKM Plush Boxing claimed it was cancelled due to the level of Luke’s fitness however Luke then claimed it was “money related” and claimed the company “wanted to renegotiate the terms after a contract was already signed.”

And whilst Luke was out of the fight, Jordan remained and had been pitted against a new competitor ahead of his boxing debut tomorrow. But Jordan has exposed Luke for being too scared to fight him, and thinks if the fight had gone ahead he “knows he would have won.”

Jordan revealed MAFS UK groom Luke never ‘stepped foot in a gym’ when he was supposed to be training

Speaking to The Sun, Jordan said: “Feb 9th was supposed to be me and Luke fighting each other, that was the big fight that everyone was interested in.

“We signed the contract and had a fight booked to settle it up, I was training twice a day in Sheffield, I was sparring, getting my head punched in, leaving the gym with a headache, bruising, feeling sore, I really put the effort and training in.

“It came to Christmas time and then I got a call on the 28th Dec from the promoters and told me they were pulling Luke out of the fight because apparently he’s not stepped foot in a gym and we’re not willing to pay him the money we were supposed to be paying.

Whilst Jordan was ‘training’ Luke had gone to ‘Turkey to get new teeth’

“Luke hustled them for £12,000 guaranteed and then it was going to be 25 per cent of all pay-per-view sales, so they were paying him a lot of money.

“They said we can’t justify spending this money on him when he’s not had one boxing session.

“While I was in Sheffield training before Christmas, he had gone to Turkey to get new teeth – he had not had any boxing sessions with a boxing coach, so they were able to cancel the contract on that clause.”

The organisers were worried for Luke’s health if they let Jordan fight him

Jordan continued: “Just the fact that he’d not been in the boxing gym, they were worried he was not taking it seriously. They were basically worried for his health, that if I fought him, I could do some serious damage because he was not taking it seriously.

“Obviously it’s not a good look for him and they didn’t want to pay him that money because he hadn’t earned it.”

Jordan knows he ‘would have won’ had he and fellow MAFS UK groom Luke fought

Jordan claimed: “They’ve given him a £3,000 deposit and he’s done absolutely no training, they’ve given that money for nothing – so I think they’re ongoing issues there.”

He explained: “I had no indication that he was not training, until I had that phone call. Luke rang me later that day, I don’t know if he wanted to save face saying ‘Look, it’s not me who wants to pull the fight, I was going to train till now until fight night, I’ve not done any sparring but I’ve done runs’,”

“It was bittersweet, I would have loved to have fight him because I know I would have won. But the fact he had not done any sparring up to that point, would have been even easier for him. Maybe he would have trained like mad up until fight night but the boxing promotion said it was too little too late.”

“There is a small hope that he will fight now that he’s with Misfits Boxing. It’s just embarrassing for him. Maybe he was just never brave enough to fight me.

“Who turns down that kind of money? Who turns down that kind of opportunity for what? I think if you’ve been given this contract to fight at the 02, you don’t turn it down, unless you’re scared, it’s too big a stage for him.”

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