Saltburn house filmed family

Inside the real house where Saltburn was filmed, and the boujee family who lives there

The Stopford-Sackville family has owned the house since 1770

If you’ve watched Saltburn you have no doubt been in complete awe of the gorgeous Saltburn house and have already curated a Pinterest board based on it. From their family history to redesigning and painting the walls, let us look inside the real house where Saltburn was filmed, and the boujee family who lives there.

Is Saltburn Manor a real place?

Yes! The mansion featured in Saltburn is called Drayton House and the family who owns the historic house allowed it to be filmed for the first time ever. Drayton House is in Northamptonshire and dates all the way back to 1328. Despite being listed as a grade one house, because it’s privately owned the family allowed the crew to redesign the house to fit the script.

The bathroom where that scene took place is actually normally a bedroom and whilst the house has over 120 hectares of garden, the maze was designed specifically for the film and then augmented using CGI.

Emerald Fennel, the director of Saltburn said how she wanted to use the house as it had not been filmed before, and the house had a more relaxed feel to it because of a family already living there.

As for why she wanted to call the house Saltburn she described how she visited the English seaside town Saltburn when she was younger. She said: “It always just struck me as such an evocative place name — and also sexy,” she said, adding that “it has the kind of pleasure-pain feeling of a kind of post-coital sweat burn that is kind of thrilling.”

Can you visit the Saltburn estate?


#saltburn obsession continues with a visit to #draytonhouse in #Northamptonshire #saltburnedit

♬ original sound – EX7STENCE™

Whilst the estate is real, as it is a private property owned by the Stopford-Sackville you cannot visit it. The family are very private, although fans of Saltburn have been trying to get a closer view of the property in TikTok videos.

Who are the Stopford-Sackville’s?

Not a lot is known about the Stopford-Sackville family as they are very private. The house passed to them in 1770 and since then it has been passed down through their family. The house is currently owned by Charles Lionel Stopford Sackville.

Saltburn, the new film by Emerald Fennell, is streaming on Amazon Prime now. For all the best film features, music, reality TV and entertainment news, like Pop Culture Shrine on Facebook

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Featured image via Amazon Prime