What does the wind emoji Jack sent about his sex life with Tori on MAFS Australia 2024 mean?

I’ve never felt so out of touch

During tonight’s MAFS Australia 2024 dinner party Ridge tells the group that Jack had sent him the wind emoji after telling him that he and Tori had finally had sex. And whilst some emojis have definitely become synonymous with sex, the wind emoji definitely isn’t the first one that comes to mind.

But now Jack has finally cleared up exactly what he meant when he sent Ridge the wind emoji during MAFS Australia 2024. Speaking to 9Entertainment, Jack explained what he meant and it still doesn’t really make sense honestly.

He said: “Ridge and I message each other quite a bit, we send emojis, we have a joke all the time. The wind emoji for me was kind of like smoke, like ‘damn that was hot’, like ‘pop off’, a bit of smoke, you know?” And nah, Jack, we don’t know. It symbolised a bit of relief, a bit of smoke. I didn’t know if I was going to send him a flame.”

Via Channel Nine

And it looks like Ridge is just as confused as us as he admitted that he wasn’t quite sure what the emoji Jack sent him meant. He confessed: “I remember he sent it to me. He was blowing something, and I was like, ‘I don’t know what that means.’ I was very confused. I never understood what that was. Maybe it’s like ‘oof’, like, ‘really good’. But my generation doesn’t use that. They would have done an eggplant emoji or something like that.”

During the MAFS Australia 2024 dinner party, Lauren told Jack she thought the wind emoji meant “ghost.” But Jack clapped back at her during an interview, saying: “Lauren, there’s actually a ghost emoji if I wanted to send a ghost, so come on.”

For all the latest MAFS Australia 2024 news and gossip, like The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook.

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Featured images via Channel Nine and Emojipedia

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