‘Not a bad person’: MAFS UK alumni Georges defends Adam over his comments towards Polly

‘You are not a bad person for having standards with what you want visually’

I’m going to be honest, between Caspar and Adam the men of MAFS UK 2024 aren’t exactly making their wives feel great about them, with Adam’s comments to Polly during their honeymoon taking the biscuit. This man could genuinely not seem less interested in her if he tried and you could tell how much it was understandable affecting her.

MAFS UK 2024 viewers have been quick to defend Polly and Emma from Adam and Caspar’s comments, but MAFS alumni Georges has rushed to defend the two grooms. Georges thinks they’re very entitled to have their preferences when it comes to physical appearances and you’re not “the grim reaper” because you’re upset you haven’t been given your type.

Via Channel 4

In an interview with The Sun, Georges explained why he thinks viewers shouldn’t be so harsh on them, saying: “Last year I was the only cast member who pretty much got what he asked for immediately, and I made it very clear, I said ‘you will get a very honest reaction from me if I’m not visually impressed by who I’m going to date.’

“I’m allowed a type. I’m allowed standards, and I’m allowed to like what I like, it doesn’t make me a bad person, just because I don’t find someone attractive. So I’m not watching this series, but I’m seeing a lot of hate going out towards Caspar and another guy called Adam.”

Via Channel 4

He continued: “And I think the reality of it is they’ve asked for a type. They’ve not been given their type. Yes, beauty is deeper than skin level. It’s more than skin deep. So I think the reality of it is that I understand why people are getting upset, but hang on a second.

“If you want to have a type. If you want standards with your partner and they happen to be aesthetic. You are not not the Grim Reaper. You are not a bad person for having standards with what you want visually.”

However, Georges does think that you can’t criticise others if you’re not exactly a beauty yourself, adding: “You also have to be aesthetically in a half decent shape yourself if you’re going to criticise people for their shape. I think as a coach, it’s important. I couldn’t be 150 kilos telling people to lose weight, could I? Because then I’m not practising what I preach.”

For all the latest MAFS UK 2024 cast member news, scandals, gossip and updates about Polly and Adam– like The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook

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Featured image via Instagram and Channel 4.