11 random Uni of York moments which make you feel like an actual functioning adult

When is my pension coming in again?

Three years at uni go pretty quick. To be honest, there are certain moments here at York when you genuinely feel grown up. From sorting out second year housing, to WiFi, to battling Freshers Flu’, here are 11 random moments which make you feel like a real functioning adult (even though we all struggle sometimes).

1. Seeing freshers walk around with their lanyards on

Let’s not lie. We all did it. Something about seeing this as a third year really makes me feel old. It makes me question whether time is actually real. When I see someone walking around campus with their lanyard on it does make me cringe a little. Mainly because I can remember myself doing it in first year at the food festival (yikes). I feel like this should be a little PSA to all the first years out there – just pop those lanyards in your bags for me guys – you’re making me feel old.

2. Getting into bed before 10pm on a Wednesday night

There is literally no worse feeling on earth than turning up to a 9am lecture hungover. My question is why does the uni insist on putting so many things on a Thursday morning? There’s really no need considering we have about ten contact hours a week. These days, you will not catch me out on a Wednesday night.

Let me set the scene. PJs on, takeaway ordered, and the latest reality TV show loaded up on your laptop. Does it make me feel old swiping through my insta stories and seeing people out? Yes. Do I really care? No. I salute all of you still on your Wednesday night out grind – have one for me guys!

3. Going into your overdraft to buy ice cream in the Nisa

Is there anything more grown up than an overdraft? I’m sure everyone has had their fair share of moments transferring from one bank account to another. It’s usually the day before your student finance arrives – trying to make that last 27p stretch is a tricky one. When you make it to the moment that the money is in your account, you genuinely do feel a strange sense of achievement. You survived, the suffering is over and you dealt with your money troubles in a really grown up way (crying in the Nisa confectionary aisle).

4. Having over three coffees a day

You know you’re a grown up at York when the staff at Derwent cafe know your order. This is such a bad habit but it’s needed every time you step foot on campus. With the early closure of the Library Cafe, the coffee machine at the Nisa is working overtime. Seeing how much I spend per semester on campus coffee is a humbling experience but sitting with a latte genuinely gets me through the day. If you love a coffee like me, make sure to head to The Link in Church Lane. You’ll probably see me there with a PSL and sweet treat x

5. Scrolling through Handshake looking for a grad scheme

This is a mind numbing task which is making me feel old. It feels like yesterday when I was at my welcome to uni talk in the Piazza Building. Looking for a job post graduation is making me feel kind of geriatric. Handshake itself is a pain and I question why the uni shoves it in your face from day one. There’s not a lot which makes you feel more grown up than preparing for life after uni, my thoughts are with all third years right now!

6. Doing chores around your shared house

It’s no secret that uni houses and accommodation can become an absolute state in a matter of minutes. Pres, over five people cooking at once, and bags of laundry lying about definitely contribute to the issue. Sometimes you need to grow up and get cleaning. I know it’s annoying to clean up other people’s mess but it gets to the point where you walk into a room and just sigh. One of the very worst things of adult uni life is cleaning. After a long day of lectures, going home to a Circuit Laundry room doesn’t seem appealing, but it has to be done.

7. The dreaded food shop

York has an absolutely rubbish selection of supermarkets. Why are they so far away? Why are they so small? Why does the bus never show up after you’ve done your shop? There is something very draining about planning out your meals for the week and then getting the supplies at the local Aldi. You always forget something silly like biscuits and then end up paying six quid at the Nisa.

Getting a food shop delivered with your housemates can also be a nightmare. Someone isn’t free right now, someone else doesn’t pay towards delivery – it’s a never ending cycle. Being an adult at uni is not all it’s cracked up to be when it comes to groceries.

8. Looking for a second year house

Sorting out your second year house is probably the most adulty thing you will have to do during your time in York. It’s stressful and most of the time you don’t have a clue what’s going on. The housing market in York is one of the worst so many people sign their contract without even seeing the house. For those of you who do go on a viewing – good luck. Get ready to see the current tenant in bed at 2pm. Moving into private accommodation is a big step so get ready for some awkward convos with your flatmates!

9. Getting Freshers’ Flu for the third time

Freshers’ Flu is clearly doing the rounds again as nearly every person I know has been ill in the last week. You never think you have to waste your money on first aid things until you wake up at 3am in a cold sweat not able to breathe. Cold and flu remedies are so expensive too, I am not paying £8 for Nurofen. It’s so annoying knowing you can’t go and raid your mum’s first aid kit too. Being a grown up means buying your own Beechams and I am not happy about it. Yet another thing you will inevitably forget on your weekly shop.

10. Trying to sort out WiFi

When you finally move into your second year house, the excitement levels are through the roof. You’ve moved in with your friends, you have a new room to decorate and a bigger kitchen – yippee! One thing you don’t think about is how you now have to sort your own WiFi. No more eduroam.

This is one of the banes of uni life. WiFi providers will start calling you once a week and sending on average six emails a day. Guess what – your WiFi still won’t work and the mobile data bill will be so intense. If anyone has a solution to solve this vicious cycle let me know asap x

11. Getting annoyed at the lack of seats in the library

I’m a functioning adult now, I need a space to do my work. Fairhurst has got to be one of the busiest places on earth, you genuinely have to be there at 6am to get a seat. Wandering around campus for 45 minutes just to end up sitting in Derwent canteen is a humbling experience. As you become more and more like a functioning adult, you’ll realise it’s best to get to the library at 6pm and stay there until 11pm. Those seminar readings won’t do themselves guys…

Welcome to being a grown up! You’re gonna hate it x

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